Old rats are no Dopes vs NIMH study
Freeborn | 08.12.2006 21:07 | Education | Health | Repression | World
Disease, but it’s going to help a lot because, by reducing inflammation, we’re going to rescue some neurons. We’re going to help you not decay so fast.”. (Correction - the Cannabis race is going to help you and your neurons not decay as fast, whether or not Doctors rip it apart, tamper with it, synthesize it or chemicalised it).
But, the next statement in the paper only made sense if this Professor was only playing with synthetic THC, and not all the compounds of the Cannabis plant. The statement was: “Scientists still need to find a compound that reduces brain inflammation without triggering a ‘high’”. Hmmm. He should have done his research.
See below………
July 7th 1998 proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA)
Dr. Julius Axelrod (a neuropsychopharmacologist) and NIMH researchers, infused exquisitely delicate preparations of FOETAL RAT-BRAIN neurons with highly corrosive ‘oxidative’ nerve-toxins like glutamate and peroxside. Then they bathed them gently in Cannabis’s two most active cannabinoids THC and CBD.
Dr. Axelrod duly reported that the toxicity of the nerve poisons was GREATLY reduced, thanks to the anti-oxidant properties of THC and CBD. Dr. Aidan Hampson, project biologist, stated, “We have found that Cannabinoids are very powerful oxidants. In fact, they appear to be more powerful than Vit. C or E“. In cases of CEREBRAL STROKE or Concussion, when the brain’s oxygen supply is cut by the obstruction of blood circulation, nerve cell death is caused by the release of toxic glutamate in the brain…..but, Cannabinoids, if administered within about an hour of the trauma can prevent this cell necrosis (cell death), by arresting the action of glutamate in critical nerve-cell receptor sites.
“In the same way“, (conclude the NIMH Researchers), “cannabinoids are likely to be useful (beneficial application and action) in preventively forestalling progressive oxidation-mediated brain diseases like Parkinson’s and Altzheimers“. Dr. Axelrod also considers cannabinoids promising for the treatment of meningitis, and both arthritis and AIDS dementia.
Of the two Neuro protective cannabinoids they studies (THC & CBD), the NIMH team accords preference for CBD as a ‘better candidate’ for therapeutic application, according to Dr. Hampson. Unlike THC, cannabidiol confers no euphoric ‘high’; in fact, strains of Cannabis which are higher ion CBD than THC are worthless to recreational Cannabis smokers - since CBD seems to block the ‘intoxicating’ action of THC in the brain as well as it does glutamate and peroxide. While both cannabinoids have Neuro protective effects, CBD doesn’t operate in the same ‘high’ making nerve receptors as THC, and so the ‘high’ is eliminated. However, some people need the THC as well as the CBD for their particular illness/ailment/disability. What right have others to deny this?
People have known this for years. Our Government has covered it up. By doing this they not only have stolen a vital medication, but they have removed the one thing that can prevent Designer Death Drug brain damage (Drugs designed with death in mind i.e. Ethanol, amphetamines, ecstasy, cocaine, caffeine etc).
Study done and printed in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. - Main Doctor: Dr. Aidan Hampson. (May 3rd 2005)
Report statement - ‘Alcohol is the world’s most widely consumed psychoactive drug, but chronic excessive alcohol consumption (drug abuse) leads to permanent organ damage and/or death.
Alcohol induced brain damage produces some of the most insidious effects, including cognitive deficits such as learning and memory impairment. (Isn’t that what they blame on cannabis?) The pattern of alcohol consumption is an important predictor of brain damage, with episodic or binge drinkers (defined as those who consume 4-5 or more drinks (liquid drugs) in a row) being the most vulnerable group.
Abstract statement: On testing ethanol exposure on rats. - Binge alcohol consumption in the rat induces substantial neuro-degeneration in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. Oxidative stress and syto-toxic edema have both been shown to be involved in such neuro-toxicity. Whereas N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor activity has been implicated in alcohol withdrawal and excitoxic injury. Because the non-psychoactive Cannabinoid cannabidiol was previously shown in vitro to prevent glutamate toxicity (the cause of strokes), through its ability to reduce oxidative stress, we evaluated CBD as a neuro-protectant in a rat binge ethanol model.
When administered concurrently with binge ethanol exposure, CBD protected against hippocampal and entorhinal, cortical neuro-degeneration in a dose dependant manner. This study provides the first demonstration of CBD as an in vivo neuro- protectant.
When 40mgs per kilo of CBD was co-administered with ethanol on days 2-4 of the Protocol, alcohol induced cell death was reduced by approx. 60% in both the hippocampal granular cells and the entorhinal cortical pyramidial cells. Yes….you read correctly…..60%!
1971 - Medical World News reports that Cannabis is probably the most potent anti-epileptic known to medicine today.
1989 - A Government funded study at the St.Louis Med. Uni. Determines that the human brain has receptor sites for THC, to which no other known compounds will bind. (Human race and the cannabis race, completely symbiotic).
1937 - Congress holds hearings on the Marijuana Tax Act. Dr. James Woodward representing the A.M.A testifies that the law could deny the world a potential medicine. Cannabis was already prescribed for dozens of common ailments at this time (things that Big Pharma and their side-effect causing drugs have now been given the rights to), and medical researchers were just beginning to explore the therapeutic benefits of the numerous active ingredients in Cannabis. Woodward stated that the A.M.A. were wholly unaware that the ‘killer weed’ from Mexico was actually cannabis. So how did medicine get turned into a ‘Hate Crime’? Well, that was because of the hatred of the Mexicans & their ‘drug’ of choice, Cannabis, which now in Western Society, as part of a racial hate campaign, got branded solely as “Marihuana - that filthy weed from Mexico, smoked by lazy, useless layabouts”. Actual quote from Randolph Hearst, a pro-ethanol/anti-Cannabis Campaigner who hated Pancho Villa and all Mexicans and anything they stood for. Then this apartheid got slapped onto African Americans, then onto the rest of the world. Don’t like something? - Declare No Tolerance Apartheid Policies on it. Write them into so-called law and then, to coin Alistair Crowley, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”. Just do it ‘legally’. All through history, Apartheid Discrimination and No Tolerance against use and choice has excused slavery, persecution and eradication of select breeds of the human race, select individuals of the human race i.e. ‘Any human who was born with a disability, under apartheid law (social segregation law), could be locked up, legally murdered, discriminated against, persecuted and eradicated’. Thank God the human race has woken up to the fact that at least this form of apartheid is unjust, even if they haven’t woken up to the fact that they help excuse other forms of apartheid discrimination on a constant and blatant basis. The ability of CHOICE plus the ability of DECISION making and even the right to learn from our mistakes is the greatest ability the human race has. So, WHY HAVE WE ALLOWED GOVERNMENTS, VESTED INTERESTS AND THEIR ENFORCERS/LEGISLATORS TO ‘DIS-’ OUR ABILITIES?
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