'Nazis' in Great Yarmouth
Richie | 08.12.2006 09:31
At 2pm about 30 of us formed up at the train station. We had hoped for a larger turn out but as always in the run up to Christmas naturally numbers are low.
Flags were flying high as we passed through the streets along the 2 mile route the police had dictated. (It was a great route, passing many houses so the public could see the NF are still alive and well. Thanks to the police for choosing this path and thereby assisting the efforts of the NF.)
A few minutes into the march the mentally unhinged Reds turned up chanting their usual misinformed statements, calling us “Nazis”. These dregs of society are morons; most of whom couldn’t tell you what ideology the Nazis subscribed to, therefore not having a clue what a Nazi is. (They can’t tell you this vital point because the state doesn’t programme them with that much info. -they only condition them with slogans that sound good. The Reds hadn’t done their research very well: it took them 10 minutes to realise we were the National Front and not the BNP they had just embarrassed themselves by chanting the name of. Once again, morons.
Support on the streets of Great Yarmouth was very good. (22 per cent of the electorate there had voted for our chairman Tom Holmes in this year’s local election.) Folk were on the doorstep of each pub we passed, clapping and expressing their appreciation. Many passing cars tooted their horns in support, only to be photographed by the Stasi (the old East German secret police) for MI5’s profiles. Who says we live in a ‘democracy’; a state where to beep a horn in support of a Right-wing party can lead to your face, registration plate number and ultimately your identity being held on a computer for dubious reasons?
After the march we said our thanks to the police for assisting us (and choosing a great route!). Terry spoke briefly about the persecution of our chairman Tom Holmes; a 76-year-old gentlemen who had been dragged through the courts at the behest of an ethnic and her contaminated lies. Tom is now imprisoned in his home every Saturday for the next 6 months, not for what he supposedly did but merely for who he is. Two whip-rounds were started; one for Party funds and the other as support for a couple of NF members and activists who had recently lost their father. (The NF sends much heartfelt condolence to them and their family during this bleak time.) Both collections brought in surprising amounts, especially at this time of year. Well done to all present for both your time and your donations -you are all an invaluable asset not only to the Party but to your country and your people.
7 of us spent the night in Yarmouth. Having the night out is always guaranteed to be a ‘eventful’ and a bloody good laugh. (Those present can share in the hilarity of actions that night!) Thanks again to those who made the effort to stay over. In the morning after breakfast we spent a couple of hours leafleting. (Never say die.)
One of the main chants during the march was: “National Front is a Whiteman’s front -join the National Front!”