Peak Oil Film Night and Talk proposed event?
urbanpaaranoia | 05.12.2006 17:50 | Sheffield
Sheffield Indymedia was going to show Peak Oil here is a copy of the text
scale of 1 to 10 then this is a 12," Mathew Simmons, Chairman and CEO of
one of the world's major energy investment banks."
What is Peak Oil? How and when will it impact our lives? What are the
solutions to the crisis? * Powerswitch * Wolf at the door * Global Public Media (good for talks as
audio files) * Oil Depletion Analysis Centre * Life After the Oil Crash
We have spoken to Sheffield Indymedia to see if it can be shown again as
it was not shown due to power problems at
therfor given this fact and the subject matter we feel is of importance we
are emailing you with the following thought at this stage.
To Show Peak Oil along with Oil, Smoke & Mirrors. where you can
watch a copy
you can find out more about Peak Oil the film here followed by round table disscushon
urbanparanoia are willing to book a room do the propaganda and we was
thinking for end of Jan 2007? we have sent you this e mail to seek your
support and of course invite members of your group along..
Perhaps you might like to add a speaker from your group or simply let us
use your logo on the propaganda saying with kind supprt from.
We have orderd a copy of Oil, Smoke & Mirrors and allready have a copy of
Peak Oil please let us know as soon as possible so we can start to plan
and get some information out there we look forward
to hearing from your group by the 20th Dec 06
urbanparanoia e mail worldwarfreeatriseupdotnet