Yesterday, repression against members and sympathizers of the APPO continued as the PFP began implementing arrest warrants against the movement, which are said to number more than 300. Federal forces together with local and state police raided houses and detained at least 60 more people, in addition to the continued attacks by assassins and paramilitaries against members of the movement and 'suspicious people'. These attacks by people dressed as civilians are responding to calls by Radio Mapache, the illegally installed radio station of the PRI, which has been asking that its listeners pass along the addresses of houses where it is said that APPO activists are hiding, as well as any other suspicious people or internationals. The day after Ulises Ruíz, the state governor who stands at the center of this conflict, gave a press conference in the Santo Domingo plaza, heavily guarded by armed commandos and 2 helicopters flying over, in order to declare once again that peace has returned to Oaxaca, repression against the movement continues and the installations of Radio Universidad continue under new threats of attacks. Unlike Radio Mapache, Radio Universidad is legally installed yet its transmission continues to be interfered by another signal that is overriding the movements pirmary means of communication with a repeating clip of Celtic Rock music.
Today it was announced that dialogue will once again be reestablished between the APPO and Gobernación, where the APPO will reiterate its principle demands, demanding freedom for all political prisoners, the presentation of all those who have been disappeared, cancellation of arrest warrants against members of the movement and the immediate withdrawal of the PFP and state governor Ulises Ruíz Ortiz from Oaxaca