Stop the pipeline! info flyer
Cardiff Rising Tide | 17.11.2006 11:34 | Climate Chaos | World
Land and homes across Wales are currently being destroyed for a huge, unsafe gas pipeline. Is this the best way to tackle climate change?
What’s wrong with the pipeline?
The pipeline will be 150 miles long from Milford Haven through the Brecon Beacons into Gloucester, making it the biggest pipeline of its kind in Europe, cutting a chunk the width of a motorway. Despite concerns about on going climate chaos the government is putting their energy and resources into digging up beautiful countryside and people’s homes for more non-renewable energy, rather than building for alternatives like solar, wind and hydro power.
Locals groups have formed in resistance to the pipeline. Many feel they have not been properly consulted, some feel bullied and deceived, on an issue that affects them directly, with some people having their homes compulsorily purchased. There have also been many safety concerns as people feel the government have rushed plans through without proper health and safety checks. For example, it’s being built on the only earthquake zone in Britain, parts of it is on land that’s deemed too unstable for houses and the gas is odourless so locals wouldn’t know if there was a leak. In Trebanos, near Swansea, it was decided the land was too unstable for mains gas pipelines to the village and now they’re building Europe’s biggest gas pipeline!
What’s been happening this week?
Due to the absurdity of these plans, and the fact that no amount of campaigning has had an effect, people have recently taken direct action to stop work along the pipeline. At 5.30am last Monday (12th November) activists entered the worksite with some people climbing on to machinery and others occupying parts of the pipeline. The protestors have claimed squatter’s rights on a section of pipeline and have successfully stopped work since Monday. On Thursday 16th another protest site was started by concerned families in Milford Haven in solidarity with the protestors in Trabanos. There is also a green ribbon campaign for locals to show support for the protest.
What next?
A mass bike ride has been organized for Friday 24th November to raise awareness and show opposition to the gas pipe line. Meet outside Y Mochyn Du pub in Sophia gardens at 3.30pm.
More people are joining the camps as we speak but help and support are always needed, anyone with spare time is welcome to join in.
For regular updates and information see
Cardiff Rising Tide
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