Israel: Olmert Regime To Build Monument To Bush
Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation | 16.11.2006 23:25 | Anti-racism | World
It's rather ironic that the Zionist Extremists are rewarding the man Academia regards as the worst world leader since Hitler, for his wars fought for their interests, with a monument. Birds of a feather, I suppose ...
I'm sure this makes things for the thousands of American families who lost their sons for Israel all better.
Outgoing Israeli ambassador to US says in private Oval Office farewell he will establish institute named after US president in Israel in appreciation for Bush's contribution to Israel's security
WASHINGTON - In an unusual display of appreciation, US President George W. Bush invited outgoing Israeli Ambassador to the United States Daniel Ayalon to privately bid farewell at the Oval Office on Wednesday.
Bush has often complimented Ayalon on his performance as foreign ambassador, and now Ayalon took the opportunity to reciprocate.
Because of your contribution to the security of Israel , the Jewish people and the world in general, you deserve to have your name memorialized in Israel, said Ayalon, adding that it will be a show of gratitude from the Israeli public.
In the 1930's there was Churchill and now there is you, added Ayalon. Bush was moved by the gesture and told Ayalon that he always was and will always be a friend of Israel.
Branch of Texas institute?
Bush related to Ayalon the long-standing tradition of departing American presidents to build libraries in honor of their legacies, saying that he wanted his Texas library to be an institute for advancing freedom. Ayalon suggested that perhaps the Israeli institute could be a branch of the Texas establishment.
Bush, who took an interest in the idea, suggested that Ayalon coordinate the necessary steps towards establishing an institute in his name with senior aid Karl Rove. The meeting between the two was an informal one, devoid of political talk.
This past weekend Ayalon had dinner with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who spoke of her religious convictions and talked passionately about her visit to Jerusalem.
Ayalon also met with Vice President Richard Cheney and resigning Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld before his departure.,7340,L-3328841,00.html
Bush gives go-ahead for building 'Bush Center' in Israel
Shmuel Rosner, Haaretz Correspondent
November 15, 2006
United States President George Bush was informed on Tuesday of an initiative to establish a center under his name in Israel, as a sign of gratitude for his support for the country and its security.
Outgoing Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Daniel Ayalon asked Bush for the go-ahead to establish such a center during a farewell meeting with the president and his deputy, Dick Cheney.
Bush told Ayalon that "freedom" would be a worthy subject for the center to focus on.
Ayalon has yet to approach donors with a request to finance the establishment of the "Bush Center" in Israel, but does not expect to encounter difficulties when it comes to raising the funds.
The outgoing ambassador will continue to work on the matter with White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten.
Meanwhile, Ayalon, who leaves the diplomatic service in a number of days, left Washington on Tuesday and flew out to the West Coast where he will participate in a number of events before returning to Israel.
His replacement, Sallai Meridor, will take up his post within a few weeks.
During his speech to the United Jewish Communities General Assembly in Los Angeles on Tuesday, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert thanked Ayalon for "his excellent service and personal commitment."
In his address, Olmert also thanked the U.S. Jewish community for its support for Israel during the war in Lebanon in the summer, warning, too, that the world was reaching its moment of truth with regard to Iran.
Olmert praised Bush's determination to prevent the nulcearization of Iran, adding that for the president to succeed, "he will need the support of the international community."
Olmert's address closed the GA, at which Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Finance Minister Abraham Hirschson also spoke.
Opposition leader MK Benjamin Netanyahu also spoke at the conference.
Olmert remained in Los Angeles on Wednesday day for meetings with the city's Jewish leaders and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation
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