George French | 14.11.2006 02:20 | Analysis | Repression
In a R-A-R-E public disclosure the head of MI5 has warned the world that we are not safe. The 'terrorists' can at will surpass the use of homemade explosives and acquire and use chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.
The recently passed anti-terror laws passed in England are of no use in protecting us. Even though the secret services can arrest people without any just cause and are even 'licenced' to kill Brazilian tourists, they are helpless in the face of Islamic terrorists.
The spooks and the police told us they needed the tools to deal with terrorists. Parliament gave them those ruthless tools. What are you waiting for you senseless twits. ARREST THEM!
But NO, they don't. You see they are practising a psy-ops on us through the media. If they quietly arrested the terrorists the multi-million pound operation would be over. They need more powers, more fear, and more pampers. NOT.
This is a carefully crafted operation to manipulate the citizens of the free world into a fascist police state. Analysis tells us we are the target of the intelligence services. The citizenry are objects of the intelligence services not the terrorists.
The reason why is the the government is losing the propaganda war with the general public. They have to try a last ditch effort to sway us to capitulation. Parliament is to meet again soon and they want to play the fear card to entrench the police state. They have no desire to neutralize the terror threat. That tells us the enemies of the state are not in the mosques but in Whitehall.
The alarm is raised, but against the fifth columns that have subverted parliament, the police and worse still the secret services. WAR IS DECLARED ON THE FREE PEOPLES OF THE WORLD!
U.K. spymaster raises alarm

U.K. terror threat will last years, Blair says

George French
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