Protester hospitalised in successful Shell blockade
10.11.2006 23:48 | Rossport Solidarity
There was a large turn out for the blockade of a Shell petrol station in Nottingham, in solidarity with people opressed by Shell everywhere. The blockade was successful in terms of shutting down the petrol station, unfortunatly one of the protestors was ran over by a 4x4 driver and had been taken to hospital. Later we learned that his leg, while badly grazed and bruised, is not broken.
Plenty of leaflets were given out to motorists and passers by and plenty of honks of support were heard. The boys in yellow turned up eventually, not that they were interested in the running down of a protestor, they just wanted people to stop blocking the entrance, and in fact ignored another car which tried to force its way through.
Links: Emergency Call Out Nottingham Shell action | Photos from Nottingham Shell Action | UK Indymedia Rossport Solidarity page | A Rossport solidarity video
police ignoring driver
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