The School of Journalism Circle of the Press swindled and I humiliate the dignit
Jorge | 10.11.2006 18:55
As so it is offered even today to the future students as Circle of the Press, that is to say, like that centennial institution, with all its tradition, fame and trajectory.
Nevertheless in other places the School of Journalism “I circulate of the Press” apostatizes of such condition assuring that nothing has to do with the organization homónima and that is the denominated “Institute of communication, education and investigation”, created just in the years ´90 (in such then case with little experience and trajectory) and with authorized operation in he himself building that the Circle occupied, by cession of the government of the independent city from Buenos Aires to the effect.
One would treat, at first sight, of a clear case of publicity deceptive and usufructo of a denomination or mark that is to him other people's, attitude therefore moved away of the ethics. But that is not everything, because they are what they deny to be.
The clear disloyal intentionality perceives through particular case of the professional journalist Jorge Eduardo Padula Perkins. It participated in 1991 in the aid organized by that School of Journalism in commemoration of the Centenary of the Circle of the Press, and gained the First Prize of the contest opened to journalists of Hispanic speech on “the media in the discovery and the colonization of America” with the titled work “Ulrico Schmidel. A journalist without newspaper”, reason why became creditor to the consisting of prize two thousand dollars and graduates.
It opportunely was recognized him by note of the 28 of January of 1993 with the company/signature of the then Legal Representative of the School of Journalism Circle of the Press, Gregorio Ramirez.
Indeed this name would demonstrate, of way than more obvious the elusiva maneuver between people who comprised of a same organization. In occasion of the tried crossing of the school one verifies that by the Mutual Circle of the Press his Paschal President Albanese signs the document, whereas by “the new” Institute Gregorio does Ramon Ramirez, the same Legal Representing person who as of the School of Journalism Circle of the Press and in note with letterhead of that organization specifically recognized to owe the prize to Padula Perkins.
Nevertheless, and in spite of the repeated reclamations, including of governmental function by means of letters of readers (PRESS 30 of October of 1995, NATION 15 of November of 1995, CRONISTA 21 of November of 1995), never it received the prize at issue.
At the present time, the School of Journalism “Circle of the Press” announces and presents/displays like so and, nevertheless, it denies that identity and it tries not to be Circle of the Press before the reclamation that Padula Perkins does of the prize, eluding that way coarse and procaz his responsibility and same driving of justice suggesting not to have relation some with the organization mother.
This moral swindle of which the mentioned journalist on the part of the School has been object I circulate of the Press is brutally opposite to his tried appropriation of the history of the organization to which in the case of Padula Perkins it denies whereas advertising it promotes.
On the matter Padula Perkins drove judicially, according to demand transacted before National Justice in the Civilian, Court N° 45, in charge of judge Rodolfo Victoriano Arata, Sorini Secretariat, that under the number of file 112,704/1999 has dictated favorable sentence to the reclamante, with date 6 of February of 2001.
After the sentence and with the clear intention to evade its legal responsibility, the School of Journalism Circle of the Press is transferred (27 of September of 2001, by Disposition N° 768 of the Main directorate of Education of Deprived Management of the Government of the Independent City of Buenos Aires) to denominated cooperative of work “the institute of communication, education and limited investigation”, under whose conduction it continues denominating School of Journalism Circle of the Press in his own Web site and the publicity.
Once again justice obtains results that can formally be legal but they are obviously unjust.
Thus Padula Perkins is victim from a great injustice, not only in the material but in the moral damage. Damaged in his illusions, frustrated in the reception of a prize that she obtained and she does not make but die in the laziness and the evasion of responsibilities, Padula journalist Perkins is escupido in the face by his colleagues of the School of Journalism I circulate of the Press that never tried to conciliate positions in pact of horsemen, within the frame of the professional ethics.
So large injustice, that it is exaggerated through the years, produces an enormous personal and collective moral damage to the press people and will subsist like an insult, a true black page, in the history of the Argentine media in as much is not fulfilled the agreed thing, that is to say, in as much Perkins does not pay itself to Padula the owed amount and updated, the certificate is given to him that credits the merit and an act witnessed by notary public is done to him of I make amends for.