Policy is flawed, there is an answer
not important | 26.10.2006 08:41 | Indymedia | Repression | Workers' Movements
Be critical of ALL religion and ALL religious control
It is simpler to try and push the line that Jews are behind all the world's problems (always remebering to refer to them as Zionist so as to pretend it's not racist) than confront the reality of political Islam and its aims.
It says much about the naivety and downright stupidity of those that support groups based on no more than their opposition to the USA and Jews.
ALL religion is stupid, ALL religion is a method of controlling working class people to enable a small elite to reap the benefits of others work, ALL religion is repressive is varying ways.
Those that contribute to, and / or read Indymedia whould be better spending their time trying to help us with those individuals who are seeking the release from oppressive religious families and communities of ALL faiths than supporting Islam just because of its issues with Jews and America.
For example so called honour killings in the Asian community (all faiths do this), forced marriges, Christian education in schools, the role of the Church in the UK establishment, child abuse in the Catholic Church, violence between Hindus and Muslims in British inner cities - none of these issues have had the support the deserve on Indymedia when they have been raised - never promoted on the newswire or commented upon. Compare this with a "Mossad were behind 911" post and all the old faces quickly come out of the woodwork to tell everyone how they have 'proof' that of course Israel and Jews were to blame.
Until Indymedia in the UK and many of the other sites lose their obsessive interest in Jews and Israel they will never be representitive of the wider Left in Europe and elsewhere.
The enemy of my enemy is not always your friend but of course you will hide this post and pretend I'm a troll rather than deal with the issue won't you.
not important