Stonewall E-Bulletin - October 2006
Stonewall Electronic News Bulletin - October 2006 | 20.10.2006 05:32 | Gender | Social Struggles
There have been newspaper reports in the last week suggesting that Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly has watered down the new "goods and services" protections we secured in the 2006 Equality Act. We do not believe the reports to be accurate; ministers have not yet taken decisions on the key protections the new regulations will provide. That doesn't mean there are not risks - as always - and we will do our best to continue to express our concerns robustly.
One reason the story has emerged is because of concerted letter-writing campaigns run by organisations claiming to be "Christian". However, sometimes it's bizarre just how un-Christian people claiming to be Christian can be!
When introduced next spring, these new laws will make a real difference to the lives of millions of gay people. Such protections should be the bedrock of a civilised society. Yet the Church of England recently wrote to ministers demanding that services like care homes and playgroups should be "exempt" from these new laws. One peer has even demanded that hospitals with a "Christian ethos" should be entitled to turn away sick people who might be gay.
At Stonewall, we always respond swiftly and robustly to such demonstrations of prejudice. But in recent months many "faith campaigners" have started complaining that, when people challenge their prejudices, their religion is somehow being undermined too. It isn't. But they shouldn't forget that the reason that Catholics are free to practice their faith alongside Protestants in modern Britain, and the reason that Muslims are free to practice their faith alongside Christians, is precisely because we're a twenty-first century democracy which respects minority communities. And respect only becomes meaningful when it is mutual.
With best wishes
Stonewall at the party conferences
Last month, we told you about the events that we’d be holding at the main party conferences.
Our fringe meetings in Brighton, Manchester and Bournemouth over the last few weeks were all well attended and generated lively discussions. It was good to meet so many of you at each of the meetings and for the politicians on our panel to hear your views on our current campaigns, including the goods and services protections.
There was a great turnout at each of the Absolutely Equal receptions as well, including several members of the Cabinet in Manchester.
Thanks to all of you who were able to come along and support us.
Stonewall Scotland fundraising dinner
Stonewall Scotland are hosting their first ever fundraising dinner on Thursday 16th November at Howies, Waterloo Place, Edinburgh. The dinner will include a Champagne tasting and will raise vital funds for our campaigns on homophobic bullying in schools and hate crime.
A great way to support Stonewall Scotland! Tickets are £50. Call 0131 557 3679 to book your place.
Can you help Stonewall Cymru with our campaigning and media work?
Stonewall Cymru is looking for the stories and experiences of lesbian, gay and bisexual people to inform our campaigning and lobbying work.
If you have encountered discrimination or have another experience that would help us with our work, we would like to keep a record of your story. Very occasionally, and only with your permission, we may offer your story to the media to highlight the issues facing LGB communities in Wales.
Stonewall Cymru also receives many media enquiries asking for gay people to speak about their positive experiences. We're looking to promote positive examples of lesbians, gay men and bisexuals to challenge negative perceptions.
If you are interested in challenging these negative perceptions, please go to
and click on the link to the case study form where you can let us know the type of media work you would feel comfortable doing
Lesbian and Gay Psychology Section Conference
The Lesbian and Gay Psychology Section Conference will take place on 1-2 December
Confirmed speakers include Susan Golombok from Cambridge University, who will speak on same-sex parenting, and Dominic Davies, head of Pink Therapy, who will talk about clinicians and therapists working with sexual minority clients.
Further details available from Dr Meg Barker

Yorkshire's premier civil partnership exhibition
On Sunday 10 December 2006 Yorkshire's first Civil Partnership Exhibition takes place at Knavesmire Stand, York Racecourse from 12-4.00pm.
The £3 entry includes live entertainment, over 60 gay/lesbian friendly exhibitors, catwalk shows, café, help desk manned by York Register Office and lots more. Plus a £2000 Holiday to be won on the day!!!!!
For more information contact Jane or Nic on 01964 552470 or

Have your say on gay men's health in London
GMFA are hosting a consultation on gay men's health and HIV prevention in London on the 22nd and 25th November 2006. They are inviting gay men to join them in designing services that meet your needs. For more information call 020 7738 6872, email

Stonewall Electronic News Bulletin - October 2006