Jaume d'Urgell | 12.10.2006 14:07 | Lebanon War 2006 | Analysis
Perhaps it is difficult to believe it, but still we were left to some insurgents, convinced that somebody is kidnapping words to us, killing to our children, profaning the reason and ruining our lives… we continued thinking that those that arrived to sack, remain; denying the right to us to have right, insulting itself like species, darkening History and deceiving its mothers while hays despise the tears of ours here…, conscious of facts and ideas that we would prefer to not know. We resisted.
They say that they come to kill us to avoid that someday we are terrorist. They come with tanks, not to soil the boots when being above insepultos despoliation of those who preceded to us in the way to lose it everything by the others… kill to us. They kill to us from beyond clouds, through cold and the distance, preceded by the tremor of apparatuses that single we can hear… without spots nor scents, from luxurious offices… they kill to us.
They kill to us, and they enter benefits to exhibit our extermination in prioritizes Time… we know the scene well: in first plane a building in black and white; soon, smooth traveling to the left and after moments, the camera comes near until obtaining a perfect frame and, zas! - fused to black. The missile destroys the walls of our privacy. It seemed videojuego, from being because million viewers see it of reojo - in direct, without letting chew hamburgers with ketchup… and they are glad - with distant indifference, is not to them aesthetic and even innocuous - today in day one kills a prudent distance, feel well, out of danger. One feels like to them less real than the reality, dies people who are not as they - they think. The case is that every day videojuego is repeated in which there are no levels, and whose monótonas screens time and time again return to revivir the same macabre game: more died buildings coming near, and more human beings - who by the way, nobody will see. Times in black and white, others in green phosphorus. Perhaps matters? The certain thing is that according to they say, our corpses threatened its idea of the Democracy, put in risk its sensation of Freedom, which is, its style of life, the price of its fuels, the stability in the zone, its rate of unemployment, the position of its allies, its state of the well-being. Tele is said to it, and if tele says it, it is so that it is truth.
The fact is that they kill to us. And knowing it or no, they cause reactions that are not legal to describe. They have determined that the excess of sincerity constitutes a mental crime, and everybody knows that no mental crime must be without punishment.
“We are hegemonic - they think, we are God. God is of ours. God blesses America! ”… and all that excrement. What God would allow the reality without taking part in defense of the pressed ones? One very cabrón! How would deal with God to a town incultos genocidas? What class of God would give the throne to the stupidest person of the country? America is theocratic and politeísta, its deities quote in the Mount Olympus of the continuous market, where anyone can invest a capital in the acquisition of actions of the God that it likes more: Cocaine Tail, IBM, Ford, Lockheed-Martin… What luck we must to live in the Earth of the opportunities! - they think. While, the authentic demigods distract like Zeus, sending rays to the mortals from the stop of the Knéset, Fort Knox, the White House, Wall ßstreet, Genoa, Downing street, Forbes…
War is peace - they cry out, “we fight to the terrorism”… but, what is a terrorist? Could be called thus to an ex- minister of the government of a genocida dictatorship? Or to those who preventive wars undertake? We could call terrorists to those who order to retaliate against the civil populace? Is as terrorist Ólmert as Aznar, Blair or Bush? Sharón like Martin-Villa? Netanyahu like Fraga? Tenet like the puppy of the Laden? Let us suppose that Mohamed Atta is the terrorist archetype… Justificaría that, that all the population of Afghanistan had to pay by its crimes? And the Egyptians? And the Lebaneses? And the Iraqians? And the Palestinians? And the Iranians? And the Syrians? And the norcoreanos? And the Cubans? How much lack so that that list includes to us?
They kill. They kill to guarantee the distance of its real or invented fears, kill to sell and to buy unnecessary things, to intermediate with the death, to gain votes, to perpetuate the inertia of abuses that are to them propitious. They kill because always it has been thus; because God says itself to it. They kill, because the others do not have to exist; because that is to Engaged Earth They kill to inaugurate MacDonald' s, to fill to more times the deposit, to obtain a plasma television set, or slippers done by Thailanders of eleven years. They kill to continue killing, to arrive in order month, and another one more… until the following legislature, and returned to begin.
While, the neolanguage redefines the semantics of words that long ago were our instruments to think and to communicate to us, the “Freedom” is already another thing… and the “Democracy” you do not see! A “Communist” is a public enemy; the “terrorists” no longer are what they were and the “terrorism” either; expressions like “Humanitarian Right”, “effective judicial trusteeship”, “Habeas Corpus”, “insurgent”, “friend”, “enemy”, “to take part”, “mandate” or “Justice”, have even mutado their original meaning, to assume a new use allows to describe the horror of a infernal reality, of a way that seems politically correct “that it is well by television”. Everything very formal and reasonable.
They watch us. Create to even know what we thought. They buy to us. They prevent us to pastar. They divide to us. We suffered collateral damages. They deny to us. They get to clear the life to us without getting to kill to us. They lie to us. They raise insurmountable walls, borders, jails with crystal walls. They limit to us. They close our newspapers. They become ill to us. They prohibit our parties. They throw to us. They alter the proportions of the proletariado one. They confuse to us. Perviven, maintains their structure. They govern to us, kleptomaniacs, tenderos, autocrats, wizards and assassins. They add to us and they reduce to us. They face to us. They satisfy the man with the chair, reflection of its ambition. They touch to us. Obsessive followers to the onanismo of a Capital that tries to control all the forms of the time.
They bring “Infinite Justice to us” to assure his “Lasting Freedom”, but the certain thing, is that to the look of a glance, the mother of all the wars does not seem more than “Desert Storm”; the certain thing is the deads do not have more side, than the side on which no longer they live; that the newspapers do not let compare dead numbers of of one and another part… that madness to include more of an infinite in a same equation, as if algebra had something to see with Human rights that single seem to attend those who were born far from the Axis of Badly.
Beyond the words, the Hebrew army makes a pair of days asesinóalgunas tens of civilians - the majority young in Lebanese territory. On the other hand, at the request of the minister of outer subjects American, the Hebrew executive decided yesterday to respect a cease-fire of forty and eight hours, this announcement has failed to fulfill this dawn, having bombed Lebanese positions within urban nuclei next to the border with Israel. In addition, in the military base of Guantánamo hundreds of human beings they have been following prisoners for years, without judicial shelter. Afghanistan and Iraq continue invaded. Good part of the strategic fleet of the Mediterranean is taking positions inside an operational range that allows to offer logistical support to a force that operates on the Lebanon and Palestine…
Today, when still we conserved our capacity to think without permission, the facts insist on giving the reason him to the good one of Orwell: “ God blesses the Australian Continent! ”, thank heavens that also left to writing something that never will be able to change: “Affection mine, you do not imagine how I want to you”. Any person who stops to reflect on surrounds to us, account will occur of which this reality forces to us to surpass the frame of the deprived reason, to do something by the communal property and to go out to defend that “they” whom it includes to us: you do not imagine how much I want to you, Humanity, pensarte would not be to let exist.
Jaume d'Urgell