The BNP has change of heart
Annony Mouse | 11.10.2006 13:49 | Anti-racism
A report from Anony Mouse, UK correspondant.
"ringing the changes"
The BNP has change of heart
The report from
A report from Anony Mouse, UK correspondant.
The BNP reported today that it has had a change of heart over the issue of asylum seekers and immigrants to this country,their spokesperson stated,
saying to this reporter that:
"This country is a nation of nations,
we realise that the UK would not be what it is without the wonderful diversity that
ethic minorities bring to this country and we don't want that to change so we have decided to change our selves instead as we have now seen the light,
so to speak and thus the error of our former ways."
The wonderful news provoked a round of applause from the people in the hall that I
heard the news today in London. Most seemed happy with the new approach that
the BNP has adopted,
one saying woman saying:
"I have never been able to have children,
So I thought what a wonderful idea it would be to adopt one,
and now I will be able to adopt a ethnic minority child with coloured skin,
I am so relieved, my husband has seen the light too and said to me the other day that he doesn't mind even if he or she is 'into that homo sort of thing,' as he put it, it won't bother him either now, it is such a new dawn for us as BNP supporters. "
The Leader of the BNP stated to me on the phone that:
"Yes, it is true, I have seen the light of my ways, for having found GOD I realise we are all really one big family, I was thinking of adopting an ethnic child my self with my partner who just loves the idea." He didn't state whether his partner was male or female.
Well this really is a wonderful turn around for the BNP,
"a new dawn for the party and a further step on the road to global solidarity.
This spoof article was written as a dream of what could be,
I hope one day it becomes real and actualised,
let us hope..
The website given may or may not yet exist as I haven't checked it at time of typing.
I am not responsible for the website given at the title.
"To dream the impossible dream..." as the song goes.
Love has power, Friendship has power, Friendship is love in action.
"Love can build a bridge," as Katrina and the Waves sung.
Annony Mouse
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