bigger,better,brighter,bolder BULLSHIT now (wiv fanx2 seez th DAY)
sin-CRONEY-is-CITY-east OAR sin-DICK-al-EASE'EM-mow/MA | 28.09.2006 09:47 | Analysis
how about a campaign for a vote of no confidence in the govt. & an early general election ASAP (viz t.heath/h.wilson)?
perhaps some politicians can be persuaded to campaign on an ANTI-WAR TICKET. lets face it folks- we CANT AFFORD IT! and with all due respect to the mentally ill, the LOONEY party we have in govt. at the moment are just not fit to govern.
we cant have a military coup here as in THAILAND, because our military are too busy overseas. and, while i fully support wihthdrawal of our troops from disastrous overseas engagements, it would be unfair to try to do it overnight.
also, it appears, as the most recent issue of private eye kindly pointed out (from my perspective- see page 21 ), that we will not have any HUNGARY type incidents here either.
(perhaps the police could step in to try to resolve the situation.....) NO they are THE SERVANTS (excuse the victoriana ) of the govt. & not an independant decision-making body, & so it should be.
what has prompted this extra-ordinary bout of "middle of the road"-ISM ?
yesterday i bought the daily mail in order to PROCURE wall charts. in it i read some commentary by max hastings, a respected journalist, as far as i know. below i repeat some of it...
[the prime minister] delivered a speech which must have left many people wondering whether lady blair-macbeth or g.brown or t.blair, are now living in a parallel universe.
all 3 show signs of having quit planet earth for different destinations...
"the best claim he can make for himself to posterity is that he has been an election winner. however the manner in which he has squandered the fruits of political success & PROSTITUTED his remarkable gifts for the mere preservation of personal power & status will invite the lasting DISDAIN of history" -thanx max
PS did any one hear this thing about some church big-wig saying it is a SIN2FLY @ the W/E? i have spoken to some christians about it & they dont seem to have heard.
sin-CRONEY-is-CITY-east OAR sin-DICK-al-EASE'EM-mow/MA