chains for cheeny movement
Jim Zender | 23.09.2006 02:14 | World
of the united states george bush as well
as the vice president dick cheeny of treason
against the usa and it's citizens. I want to
confront them in a public forum face to face
in whatever constitutinal manner permited to
defend these acusations, and as quickly as the
constitution permits.
chains for cheeny movement
As of now I wish to accuse the president
of the united states george bush as well
as the vice president dick cheeny of treason
against the usa and it's citizens. I want to
confront them in a public forum face to face
in whatever constitutinal manner permited to
defend these acusations, and as quickly as the
constitution permits.
I wish to have them tried by the american
people in full transperity and if found
guilty of these charges sent to iraq to face
charges next against the iraqi people. I
ask that sadam be interviewed and givin
the chance to provide evidence agains't
these people so the iraqi people may have
all the facts at that time to make this fair
to all of them.
I ask that every christian, muslim, & jewish
soldier that supports this plan to lay down
your arms return home to your homes and families
to reavaluate your beliefs, lets say a 1 year
cease fire, so we can sort through the evidence.
Wouldn't we all rather fight injustice this way
instead of the way we are?
I wish to see every american out of the middle
east as of now, it is time to defend your country
at home. It is your right and responsibility to
defend your homeland and democratic values so
please consider this responsibility & option.
Your democracy is under sieze and your families
desperatly need you NOW!, they are worried sick
about you.
I think we are the reason everyone is fighting
in the middle east and if we leave they can work
out their differences and reclaim their resorces.
I also belive we should offer any jewish person
in isreal to come here as a way of easing tensions
with the palastinians so we can work out a peacefull
solution. I think this is a way to give breathing room
to them and demonstrate a desire to live in peace.
I consider this a true test of my rights of free speach
as an american citizen as well as my duty. I realize the
potential dangers I now face so ask the good people of
the world to witness my american rights and the presidents
desire to see them protected and defended at all levels.
I ask world leaders around the globe to support this plan
to take back our own homeland from the criminals who stole
I also ask for the support of any and all polititions in
washington, stand and be counted.
I look at this as the best plan available to solve many
of the worlds problems, as well as heal many wounds and
ask for everyones support. It is our human and moral
responsiblity to each other.
This is your chance to get involved in shaping your world.
jim zender
5367 lake rd geneva on the lake ohio 44041 440-466-0014
Is this plan real? It is sitting here in fron of you isn't it!
Is it doable? A lot of problems can be solved following these
guidelines, this is as good a place to start as any.
Jim Zender