'Challenging Oppression' training, Manchester
reposter | 22.09.2006 15:44
What nonviolence theory and practice offers for confronting oppressive power
structures and creating liberating alternatives.
Power - Fear - Strategy - Conflict - Change - Connection
What are practical ways of living a different power?
Reclaiming Power
Creating Freedom and Justice
Engaging with the state
Learning to live power differently.
Active nonviolence can transform oppressive power relationships. It can create alternatives that support justice and mutual respect.
It approaches conflict as potentially creative and liberating.
A training for people engaged in social change introducing the practical tools and analysis of active nonviolence:
- how and where we can step into ‘power with’
- how and where structures of ‘power over’ can be de-structed
£20 (£10 if needed)
10.15 – 5 .15 Saturday 21st Oct. 2006 in central Manchester
Bookings and details: Contact sophier AT quaker.org.uk
020-7663 1064
Friends House
173 Euston Road
London NW1 2BJ