Sex Goddess Vs The Vice God
Alex S. Gabor | 22.09.2006 00:44 | London | World
Farrell and Bradford
The real Story Behind the $10 million lawsuit against Colin Farrell
Not so long ago, pseudo author and wannabe screenwriter Dessarae Bradford filed a $10 million lawsuit against Miami Vice co-star Colin Farrell.
Farrell has since retaliated by getting a permanent restraining order barring her from coming anywhere within 150 yards of him.
Bradford was last quoted as “seeking to have the order lifted”. But what is really going on between these two sex-crazed maniacs?
Farrell was served on July 20th, 2006 by Counter Force Private Investigative Agency of Marina Del Rey on the red carpet during the premiere of the money losing movie “Miami Vice” while Colin was talking to the paparazzi in Westwood, CA.
The film, which cost General Electric, parent of both Universal and NBC, where the Tonight Show is aired, $235 million to make, but has only returned about $200 million worldwide, could hurt GE’s bottom line by close to $30 million.
Farrell’s’ escorts and body guards were so angry the private eye managed to trick Farrell into signing his autograph on the back of the legal papers.
When it was loudly announced that he was officially served by Bradford, one of them threatened the server with bodily harm, par for the course in that career choice.
Just hours before he was served with federal court papers by private investigator Doug Standefer, while appearing for an interview on the Jay Leno show, Colin and Dessarae met for the first time face to face on stage when she walked up past two security guards acting like she was part of the show and handed both Leno and Farrell her business card and a copy of her book, “Colin Farrell: A Dark Twisted Puppy”.
NBC has refused to air that part of the show which was taped live, but which may be subpoenaed by Bradford as evidence in her attempt to overturn the restraining order. She said she would love to have Jay Leno called in to testify.
The federal lawsuit alleges that Farrell stalked and harassed Bradford for six months after he instituted a long distance relationship with her.
According to the suit, Farrell had heard about Bradford’s first book about how she sodomized celebrity Alex Baldwin when Colin allegedly contacted her from an east coast phone number.
According to that book, Bradford met and seduced Baldwin on the streets of Venice, California. Baldwin has been very quiet on the subject, but has mostly denied knowing Bradford.
The suit also alleges that Farrell has slandered Bradford to the media. Farrell has denied in his court papers that he ever had an east coast phone number or knew who she was prior to the august meeting on the Jay Leno Show.
Bradford’s press conference, which took place in front of the Federal Courthouse in Los Angeles on Spring Street lasted less than an hour about a week after she got Farrell served. At the conference she denied stalking Farrell and claimed she was the victim of hundreds of lewd and explicit text messages from Farrell.
She has since shown anyone interested in the matter, transcribed copies of the rather obnoxious text messages allegedly coming from Farrell during various drunken binges, a birthday card allegedly signed by Farrell which once contained $100 in cash and an affidavit under oath from a leading handwriting expert stating that the card is signed by Farrell.
Farrell has repeatedly, publicly, and in numerous documents signed under penalty of perjury filed with the Courts by his attorney’s, denied ever talking with or having any prior contact with Bradford.
According to court records, Farrell’s lawyers have run up legal bills that now exceed $20,000 in dealing with the Federal and Santa Monica Court cases. Bradford, by all other accounts has spent at least $5,000 in this war between the Sex Goddess and Vice God.
If and when it is all said and done, legal fees and court costs could run as high as $200,000 according to one legal expert.
Bradford has filed complaints with the California State Bar, alleging that Farrell’s lawyers have engaged in perjury and conduct in violation of professional ethics. The State Bar wouldn’t comment on the investigation which could take up to 90 days.
Farrell, who denies having any connection to the United States, other than as an actor, recently bought a mansion for over $3 million in Beverly Hills, but is “hiding the property in someone else’s name to avoid any type of lien” by Bradford, according to her.
Standefer described his encounter with the Irishman as "scary”, to reporters at Access Hollywood.
Bradford, who has been much maligned by New York Daily News writer, Lisa Munoz, was falsely portrayed as having attempted to personally serve Farrell with official papers when she confronted him during his guest spot on "The Tonight Show", however, this was inaccurate.
Bradford and Standefer went to the show to actually serve him, but when the process server saw how it would be impossible to go on stage, he bailed and opted for the red carpet treatment approach to personally serve Farrell.
Bradford, not one to be easily proven wrong, then took it upon her brazen black beauty to upstage everyone at the NBC studio, including Leno himself, by boldly going where no audience member had ever gone before, right past two security guards, up on stage, with nary a word of objection, till security quickly figured out she wasn’t really a part of the show.
Standefer later said he conned Farrell into signing the back of the papers before stating, "Colin Farrell, you've been served by Dessarae Bradford."
The grey-haired private investigator admits it was then that things turned nasty -- Farrell hurled slanderous abuse at him and his life was threatened.
He told prime time television’s "Access Hollywood," "One of his bodyguards followed me and started screaming at me, telling me that if I ever came to another premiere again, it would be my last outing.
"He was a scary guy. He was right in my face -- two inches from me."
Yes, Alexander sucked, according to one journalist. But life isn't all bad for Colin Farrell, who reportedly got paid $10 million for Miami Vice.
According to his official fan website, Farrell was last reported to be working on his next film, a highly secretive untitled project with writer/director Woody Allen and co-star Ewan McGregor in Hoo, Kent, England.
The Hollywood hell-raiser had been cleared in the two prior lawsuits filed by Bradford only because of the issue of jurisdiction, but the general internet media, particularly those who write for Jossup, E! Online, Defamer and dozens of blogs like Digg who trade information as it seeps altered and twisted into the infinite vastness of the ethernetworld, “they don’t always get the story straight” said Bradford in a 12 hour exclusive interview with the author of this article.
“Most of the mainstream media who are now running stories on the Farrell/Bradford story are getting their information from those who initially began covering the story or from Farrell’s publicists who spin the story in his favor”, added Bradford.
It’s a wonder she hasn’t sued many of them. Surely she would if she had the money.
Bradford says she “has been falsely labeled a former sex-line operator” by Page Six of the New York Post, when in fact she had very briefly (less than a week) worked for one of those boiler room sweat shops that many young naïve girls in Hollywood so often get roped into by ads in such rags as the LA Weekly under the heading “telemarketing jobs”.
Originally Bradford filed a $5,000 suit in December 2004 in small-claims court in Santa Monica, claiming Farrell confided in her only to leave her suffering "mental anguish" and feeling "degraded."
Her original complaint sought damages for "breach of contract, return of an erotic tape of herself, artwork she made especially for Farrell, the cost of a dress she bought for their first date, along with the shoes and accessories for that special occasion for which he stood her up," according to Bradford.
Farrell, according to Bradford, stood her up after agreeing to a date in which Colin would “introduce her to the Hollywood scene”.
“Bradford is a very self-absorbed woman who loves to video herself for hours in the nude, dance around naked at Hollywood swinger’s parties and likes to tease men to no end”, says one observer.
According to Bradford, if Farrell had paid her off back then, “this whole mess would have been behind us and we would have parted company as friends”, but Bradford being such a sassy and brassy sensual chick who could charm the pants of any white male who can still ejaculate is still totally bent on getting justice, namely a public apology from Farrell, and correcting the public record.
In Santa Monica court on August 16, 2006, at the preliminary restraining order hearing, Bradford lectured Judge Linda Lefkowitz before getting her tossed from the case. That was brash as few people have such gumption.
Bradford successfully argued with Lefkowitz that she could not be impartial because the judge had previously ruled against her in an unrelated case.
Bradford, who once appeared on Pax-TV's failed show “Lie Detector” flunked her polygraph test on that show, but alleges that Farrell’s people had somehow skewed the results in order to publicly discredit her.
Hollywood conspiracy is nothing new especially on reality and game shows that pay their audiences minimum wage to laugh and clap on cue or pay off contestants who know answers in advance! It’s been going on for decades.
Former host Rolonda Watts had told the staff writer at the New York Daily News that Bradford “melted down after being informed of the test results on the now defunct show. She called me a Hollywood whore," Watts said. "It's the first time I've ever wanted to walk out of an interview."
Bradford claimed the show set her up and was somehow in cahoots with Farrell to make her look bad. "I think Colin's lawyer and the people who handle his image have spent tens of thousands of dollars to manipulate the outcome of the show," she told the Daily News.
"He became obsessed with me, so they tried to chew me up in the Hollywood publicity stunt machine; Bradford was quoted as saying in a prior interview.
Despite the two prior court setbacks and the lie detector disaster, Bradford remains undeterred.
She has tried to unsuccessfully hawk her book “Colin Farrell: A Dark Twisted Puppy”, her account of what happened between them, is still sitting on five cases of the Colin Farrell Sex Tape, which she tried and failed to sell online and at the Erotic LA Convention, and which Farrell successfully got an injunction barring its’ sale or distribution against another African American woman he shot it with, but is still available free online, and Bradford herself was for a time being stalked by an ex-boyfriend who was crazed on steroids less than two months ago.
Since the restraining order, and the filing of her Federal lawsuit, her website had been taken down, mostly because Bradford was slowly going broke, and couldn’t afford to pay a webmaster or pay Go Daddy to host her site, but she remains unbroken. Her website went back up as this article was being published.
“She’s a wild girl in a wild world”, said another man who met her at an underground swinger’s party at a Topanga Canyon mansion a couple months ago.
“There are many men who would love to have her, but none that could tame her, and be careful, she might sue you too if you scorn her in any way.”
Her cell phone had been “temporarily out of service for a week” and she couldn’t make it to her last court appearance because her car broke down on the way.
After paying off over $800 in parking tickets after her car was impounded, Bradford remains at large in LA, seeking help from attorneys and anyone who will lend a sympathetic ear to her woes. She has been unable to find anyone who will represent her in both her Court cases.
Her book purports to blow the lid off the "broken vessel" otherwise known as Farrell, but the poorly written work, riddled with typographical and grammatical errors was hastily self-published by the embattled sex goddess who was trying to make a name for herself in Hollywood, but may have been distracted from her goal of becoming a writer/director of films by the possibility of a large out of court settlement.
This author has read both her books, and they could use some extensive rewriting, and Bradford admits, she is not good with English and grammar and lacks any college level education. That doesn’t seem to deter her from seeking justice. The book seems to be her way of venting.
Farrell has in the past admitted to having a drinking problem and according to his publicist has remained clean and sober for the past eight months.
In the six minute Colin Farrell Sex Video, bootleg copies of which seem to be circulating throughout Hollywood, and which this author has seen, compliments of Bradford, Farrell bluntly and blandly states that he “loves pornography”. Contrary to what some other women seeking revenge who have been scorned by Farrell by publicly claiming that he’s lacking in the field of endowment, there is no shortage in that department.
To quote from Bradford’s book, "Not only did this voided lonely soul reach out to me amidst his vast fame, fortune, and women--a broken vessel--he also persistently used my empathy as only a misogynist would. Colin shared his deepest sexual secrets and fantasies with me, and also told the tales of his tawdry affairs with such female leading actresses as Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Angelina Jolie, and Rosario Dawson to no end, leaving no graphic detail out.
Dessarae was “discovered” at an Erotica LA convention three years ago, where she began selling her books and most recently, at the last convention, her song, “Colin Farrell is My Bitch”.
The rave-ish song can be heard at, which is more of a jingle ditty promoting her two books and her web site. Guerrilla marketing at its worst.
Among her friends at MySpace are Andy Dick, Howard Stern and strangely, Colin’s co-star in Miami Vice, Jamie Foxx. Probably all imposters.
According to Adam Carolla, who replaced Howard Stern on free public radio on Infinity Broadcasting radio stations across the country, and who recently interviewed Bradford, “she’s definitely a sweet sexy long winded talker.”
“I’d love to be interviewed by Howard Stern”, bleats Bradford, “I’d even get naked for him”. She laughs mockingly.
Bradford’s blog was recently updated and she has a vision to create a web site called “Famous Robot” which would act like a search engine for celebrity bios and an exclusive market for celebrity autobiographical literary works.
Not a bad idea, but hardly executable without millions of dollars for marketing it.
In the end, all this public brawl boils down to is how Hades has no greater hellaciousness than a Sex Goddess scorned by a Vice God.
And through it all, one thing is certain; Dessarae Bradford does have a great sense of humor. She recently served both Jay Leno and Branford Marsalis with subpoenas to testify as witnesses at her next hearing in an attempt to overturn Farrell’s restraining order.
The show goes on!
Copyright 2006 by Alex S. Gabor. All World Rights Reserved.
Alex S. Gabor
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