On a lighter note than my usual publications from Liverpool.gloomy gun culture.A few nights ago i was given information about an illegal tip on the outskirts of Kirkby.I was told the waste was being transferred in the early hours from a legal green waste site close by.So armed with a flask and some cameras I drove to Kirkbys Mollys Lane area and found a farm track were i could watch unobserved.At about 3 am i saw headlights heading to a lane called the coach road.Then the lights were turned off. But with night a vision scope i could see the vehicle was still moving.Grabbing my cameras i left my car and made my way on foot towards the Coach Road.This took me about 15 minutes across rough fields and keeping to the hedge rows.When i got there i could see some torchlight but not what was happening.Then the car lights came on and it moved off towards the A580.I made my way to were i had seen the torch and there i saw some thing that caused me to freeze.On a tree outlined with only a couple of white lines of white paint was the perfect image of a wolf..I decided to talk to this person so i made my way towards the car.He never heard me coming and was surprised when i called to him.This is what he does.
Did you ever gaze up at the clouds as a child and look for faces and things?Well this artist,James,does the same thing but with the bark of trees.When he sees something he highlites it with as few strokes of his brush as he can.I was facinated by his wolf but then i saw his bear,even something for the kids there was the face of Bert from the old cartoon Trapdoor.And theres more.But james wants to stay anon.He says a recognised artist is not an artist.To see this is best of a night with some kind of light.To get there follow Mollys lane to the Coach Road and turn right.