This is What Democracy Looks Like ... Cops Promote Violence at Community Festiv
riotact | 06.09.2006 21:52 | Social Struggles
Whilst most people were happy to drink over-priced and soak up the bland entertainment on offer it seems the Met had a very different agenda.
well I've been on the end of that protective equipment and it wasn't much fun".
Our source goes on:
"They had weapons lying around all over the table, including CS gas canisters which could have been easily picked up by any passing punter and at one point the cop heading the operation sprayed a CS spray against their van just inches away from a kids face"
more pics and full story at
Police teach violence to our young.
07.09.2006 09:41
they had a riot gear display and a body dummy set up which children were encouraged to hit with a riot stick. the sight of a small girl whacking the shit out of this thing was disturbing, her mother looked on laughing. at one point during his talk on the riot police the officer running this display actually said " this equipment was used during the G8 summit to deter violent protesters and protect the public". I challenged this then asked him if he felt proud to bring out violent feelings in many of the children present, the officer looked at me bemused, then ignored me. several parents muttered that i was spoiling their children's fun. The whole experience was a sad one with kids getting spoon fed police bullshit. there was even a army recruitment stand at the police station that day, so people could take their violence to the next level!
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