Stop the War Coalition are tonight (Wednesday) holding an Evening of Conscience to apologise for co-opting the largest peace movement in the UK's history and turning it into an unaccountable, undemocratic, impotent farce. Senior STWC figures including Grimacing George are to be publically flogged, haranguaged and humiliated by a selection of anarchists, geuine activists and in a shock move Quakers who have all taken part in a phone in vote for the chance to wield the whip.
Lord Benn will preside over affairs whilst himself being pilloried for having set us on the road to nuclear power and has agreed to spend a period in the stocks whilst the protaletariat pelts him with radioactive clumps of turf. The event will culminate in the public beheading of Globalise Resistance leader Guy Taylor for treasonous behaviour to the revolution.
In a rare moment of solidarity the met have agreed that this beheading may take place on Parliament Square without prior permission and have even offered to lend a guillotine! A bonfire will be made of all current and back issues of Socialist Worker and specially selected SWP members will be hurled into the flames alongside a spectacular pyrotechnic display (organised by the Iraqi Resistance).
Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to attend.