G8 2007 "Major Reports" section needed for IMC UK
anti-G8er | 03.09.2006 11:25 | Globalisation
It would be great if this information could be stored, and easily accessed, on Indymedia UK. The event looks like it will be of major importance for the European (radical-)left, i.e. of a significance more comparable to Genoa than Gleneagles. It would be great if Indymedia UK could make room for the spreading of info/analysis on this matter as soon as possible!
In the meantime, there's info online at:
www.gipfelsoli.org // www.dissentnetwork.org // www.g8-2007.de
As I said above, sorry for the mis-use of the newswire for this purpose! Feel free to "hide" this message once this request has been registered.
Cheers and keep up the great work!
hidden and paased on
03.09.2006 14:47