Euro 'citizen's inspection-SW France against nuke missile plans.
pirate | 31.08.2006 15:30 | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | Technology | World
22-24th Sept 2006
Les Landes (near Bordeaux, South West of France) 22-24 Sept.
Dear friends of nuclear disarmament,
UK and France are developing the very same programs of nuclear weapons :
they both try to build a super-missile able to carry and drop far away and
with the highest precision possible... mini-nukes. Without any public
debate, these two countries, following the USA, have decided to move out of
nuclear deterrance to adopt the pre-emptive nuclear strike policy of G.W.
The name of the missile, in France, is the M51. It is being built near
Bordeaux, and is about to be tested next automn on a major testing ground in
the same region. We must stop them and attract attention on this major
violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. To do so, we need a big
mobilisation to stop the M51 program as a step towards nuclear disarmament.
It is obvious that any victory obtained either in France or in Britain will
have a major impact on both programs as well as on Nato's nuclear sharing
policy in Europe. It is also obvious that the recent developments in the
Middle East may very well lead to the first use of mini nukes for real...
this event will serve also as a way to reinforce the anti-war movement to be
in a capacity in the nearest future to prevent any sort of military strikes.
Who we are
A large coalition of French pro-peace, progressive, environmental friendly
or anti-globalisation organisations, including : ATTAC ; Friends of the
Earth ; Greenpeace ; Mouvement de la Paix ; Réseau Sortir du Nucléaire ;
Mayors for peace France, the French branch of the International War
Resistance ; Médecins pour la Prévention de la Guerre Nucléaire etc.
Our project
We call for a major mobilisation next September, on the 22nd-24th, near
Bordeaux, in the sunny and beach dominated sub-region called « les Landes »,
along the ocean.
This mobilisation, called a « European citizens' inspection » will be made
of :
3 major concerts with major bands (including Johnny Clegg)
Forums to exchange on practices of struggle, on perspectives for the
anti-nuke and anti-war European movement
a series of non violent symbolical actions against the Testing Centre to
create disturbances and visibility
Our objectives
To re-mobilise the French pro-peace movement
To impact on the public debate which is starting, in the run up for the
April 2007 presidential elections
To create a dynamic with citizens' inspections growing in size and number by
the year (next one in April 2007, just before the first round of our
To bring more visibility to European pro-peace mobilisations in Belgium,
Britain, Italy and elsewhere and build up a transnational community of
pro-peace activists,
What we offer
some financial help to reduce the price of bus tickets of participants
free transport once in action
free accomodation (it's preferable to bring your tent) and free concerts
organic food (including vegan food) at manufacturing cost
dry toilets
legal protection (bring your passport)
What we need from you
the organisation of collective departures if possible [please let us know if
you volunteer to organise a bus from London or elsewhere : we will help you
to finance it and to fill it]
the spreading of this information to your friends
your participation in the debates on site
your creativity in terms of inventing symbolical actions against the testing
centre (all initiatives welcome).
Thanks for reading this presentation, and for circulating it widely. We are
looking forward to hearing from you all.
To contact us and to get more information (English translation in progress)