Work to Live
small WORLD Podcast | 26.07.2006 11:52 | Globalisation | London
Work to Live
Interview with Joe Robinson, author of Work to Live: The Guide to Getting a Life.
We discuss the phrase "arbeit macht frei" ("work makes one free"); why American works so much; productivity paranoia; the industrial revolution; The Jetsons; the 20 hour work week predicted in the 30’s; why Europe is more productive than the U.S. but work less; what we need to change in the way we perceive what is important in life; fear of losing our jobs if we were to work less; office commandments; G.E. CEO Jack Welch; setting boundaries; work related deaths and injuries; the Take Back Your Time organization; Bob Black’s essay, The Abolition of Work; designing your own life.
Featured song is "Saturday" by Drew.
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