Lloyds TSB Welsh Proms One Man Picket IS Part of It!
The Shalom Family Campaign for Social Justice (Re Crest Nicholson) | 23.07.2006 15:55 | Education | Health | Social Struggles
Lloyds TSB Welsh Proms Be A Part of It!
Freda Selway Rt. Hon. The Lord Major of Cardiff Welcomes Lloyds TSB Welsh Proms
St David's Hall Cardiff Logo
St David's Hall Lloyds TSB Welsh Proms Programme
Vince Shalom Holds His Banner Lloyds TSB Welsh Proms Cardiff
St David's Hall Cardiff Welsh Proms Main Entrance Picket for Help
Lloyds TSB Welsh Proms Programme
Lloyds TSB Asset Finance Cardiff Office
St David's Hall Neuadd Dewi Sant
Being A Part of It At The Lloyds TSB Welsh Proms
Family Man Vince Shalom St David's Hall Picket for Help at Welsh Proms
Black Horse Logo At Cardiff With Lloyds TSB Welsh Proms Programme
Subsequently made homeless, stripped of and denied their entire Family’s personal private property and possessions since April 2004, Vince Shalom from the Shalom Family Campaign for Social Justice, Wales, is openly asking ‘ethical corporations’ for help.
Lloyds TSB Group Plc may well consider that they are an ethical corporation, therefore by right, to be also included in this invitation? The Shalom Family Campaign for Social Justice insists that Lloyds TSB is invited to help, and has written to Mr. Huw Morgan, Lloyds TSB Area Director for Wales to reinforce this point.
The Family invitation to Lloyds is made despite the bank’s ethical investment history - previous and present investments, or ‘associations’, with Crest Nicholson Plc, Crest Nicholson Marinas Limited and Quay Marinas Limited. Details of those associations are on the official campaign website, at http://www.mvpicton.co.uk .
The Family have desperately been asking for help in the direction of Lloyds TSB for quite some time, even to the extent of making hand delivery of an appeal to Lloyds TSB Group Plc at George Street, Head Office, in Edinburgh, Scotland on 27th October 2005.
The Family have also made repeated efforts in asking Crest Nicholson Plc to revisit this case based solely upon merit. Crest Nicholson would not allow the Family to fix their Home even though it was Crest Nicholson who caused a night time grounding and toppling accident to it!
All other events followed this disgraceful conduct, leading up to and including the eventual eviction of the Family’s home but this was when Crest were under the charge of John Callcutt CBE, most recently re-employed (and he received a Queen’s dong!) on a three-year contract, with English Partnerships. Such requests made via their Chairman, Mr. John Matthews and more lately Mr. Stephen Stone, Chief Executive Officer, have only ever been met with a response that it will be “considered”.
Meanwhile, Family requests to English Partnerships, the ‘National Regeneration Agency’, and the Chair of same, The Baroness Ford of Cunninghame - have been met with further contempt. Baroness Ford of Cunninghame presently seems unable to engage with the Family for herself, rather preferring to instruct* a formal response to the Family from Judith Roberts, the Head of English Partnerships Legal Services.
In making official welcome* to the 21st birthday of the Welsh Proms and The Lloyds TSB Welsh Proms Cardiff 2006, Councillor Freda Salway, Rt Hon. The Lord Major of Cardiff states, “The much loved annual Welsh Proms Cardiff season is a focal point in the City’s cultural calendar and a hallmark of the Cardiff Festival, combining magical music with an irresistible party atmosphere throughout St David’s Hall, the National Concert Hall of Wales.”.
The Shalom Family and their five children hope that this anticipated ‘irresistible party atmosphere’ favourably overcomes Lloyds TSB – both in respect to Mr. Shalom’s Lloyds TSB Welsh Proms Picket and the Family’s repeated and well-documented, peaceful, respectful, appeals for help!
Running from 20-29th July, The Lloyds TSB Welsh Proms 2006 at St. David’s Hall Cardiff will have witnessed such delights as a ‘Celebration Prom’, ‘Music Night’, ‘Children's Prom’, ‘World Prom’, ‘National Youth Prom’, ‘Beethoven Prom’, ‘Grand Romantic Prom’, and even a ‘Tiddly Prom’! The whole event will culminate with the traditional ‘Last Night of the Proms’, commencing at 7.30pm on Saturday 29th July.
Mr. Shalom will be there.
All Family Contacts Via Website:
Houseboat Eviction Latest News: http://www.mvpicton.co.uk/latest_news.htm
Houseboat Eviction News Archives http://www.mvpicton.co.uk/news_archives.htm
Notes and Contacts
*Councillor Freda Salway has since been replaced as Lord Major of Cardiff by The Rt. Hon The Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Councillor Gareth Neale, CBE, BA, LLB. He was installed as the new Lord Mayor of Cardiff at a celebration ceremony, which took place in the grand Marble Hall at City Hall on the 18th of May. http://www.cardiff.gov.uk/content.asp?nav=2872,4951&parent_directory_id=2865&Positioning_Article_ID=&language=&sortkey=
*Official Welcome Freda Salway Rt. Hon. The Lord Major of Cardiff Lloyds TSB Welsh Proms Delight With Lloyds TSB Sponsorship.
*Baroness Ford Chair of English Partnerships Instructs Legal Services to Family Appeal for Help. http://www.mvpicton.co.uk/baroness_ford_of_cunninghame_ducks_out_english_partnerships_legal_services_instructed_to%20respond_to_family_appeal.htm
Cardiff Council at County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff. CF10 4UW | Tel: (+44) 029 2087 2000 info@cardiff.gov.uk
Huw Morgan Lloyds TSB Area Director for Wales Tel 02920 728853
Fax 02920 728040
John Matthews Chair Crest Nicholson Plc
Stephen Stone Chief Executive Officer Crest Nicholson Plc
Crest House, Thames Street, Weybridge, Surrey, England.
KT13 8JL
Tel. 01932 847272
Fax. 01932 858217
Baroness Margaret Ford Chair English Partnerships
Judith Roberts Head of Legal Service English Partnerships
110 Buckingham Palace Road
Tel 020 7881 1600
Fax 020 7730 9162
The Shalom Family Campaign for Social Justice (Re Crest Nicholson)
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