MEETING - The G8 Summit and Iran
CASMII | 13.07.2006 15:32
After months of intense negotiations the Russians and the Chinese have been persuaded to agree to refer Iran to the UN Security Council. This despite the fact that Iran's nuclear enrichment programme is not only legal but an inalienable right. Despite assurances to the contrary, the referal to the UN may well be a Chapter 7 Resolution which will authorise future military force against Iran should it be deemed 'non-compliant'.
Condoleezza Rice’s announcement that the US would be willing enter into direct talks with Iran about its nuclear programme was predicated on one major condition; namely that "the Iranian regime fully and verifiably suspends its uranium enrichment and reprocessing activities." Iran, was being asked to concede the main point of the negotiations before they started.
At 5.30pm on Monday 17th July, Parliamentarians and delegates from CASMII and Action Iran will deliver a petition to Downing Street in support of last month's Baku Declaration signed by the foreign ministers of 56 nations stating "the only way to resolve Iran's nuclear issue is to resume negotiations without any preconditions and to enhance cooperation with the involvement of all relevant parties".
This will be followed by a meeting in the House of Commons, Committee Room 21a. Speakers include Professor Abbas Edalat (CASMII), Jeremy Corbyn, Paul Ingram (BASIC) and Alys Elica Zaerin of Action Iran.
The meeting is due to start at 6.30 but please allow half an hour to get through Westminster security.