You thought it was freedom
Ian Henry | 05.07.2006 10:13 | Globalisation | Health
that what ever they by be doing now , will not be know for years to come . The control of the people and situation for there own gain.
The fuel red eyes roaring towards another slaughtering as there
blades slice through another neck, blood spills, horse's rear and the
dead bodies lay constricted behind the last horseman who rides out the
village. Victory has once again to the blooded assassins. Fuelled by the
drug and the denial of reason there victory was complete but the fight
was never a fight that they could lose, villagers was pots, with mothers
carrying children. There denial soon forgotten as they pulled hard on
the THC laden pipe. This sounds like a old movie of bandits with masks
and secret caves, well I ask you If you have been to you local town
centre on a Saturday night, after we lose at football. The surprising
clan culture that is still in bedded in or daily life , if it wasn't for
the Jamaicans, the single mothers , the Muslims and all the other people
that we a forced into hating . When our focus is taken of the real
issues and the real reasons behind the facts. The Government has been
behind the problems and has cause the problem for many years and is
still creating the direction we all think and push our hate towards. We
all know the facts about the terrible attacks in London and the lies the
government told us , "why was the bus rerouted that day ".
The change in the way the government thought and behaved towards us
stared around the second world war , with they thought's turning toward
control of resources , oil , gas , and the media to push there thoughts
into our minds. The CIA with the Nazi used mind control drugs before and
after the second world war, behaviour modifying techniques, hypnosis and
the use of powerful drugs , the time of the assassins are still here.
The Nazi at Dachau used Mescaline in there test on many subject , there
gaols were to find a drug that would control a person to perform what
ever tasks they wanted. They found that THC was the most likely to be
the best option and managed to create a odourless, tasteless substance
that could be injected into a cigarettes, they name this drug TD(truth
The CIA used this drug on May 27 1943 (some my wonder had the war
ended then )on August Del Gracio , a New York gangster, OSS documents
state that after smoking the mixture he was in a state "of
irresponsibility, causing the subject(Gracio) to be loquacious and free
in his impartation of information " The CIA believe the drug was working
in that the person taken it was more free with information but it did
not control the mind , so the search went on .
The CIA have tried many different ways and many times in the pursuit
of mind control , in 1958 at Edgewood Arsenal 95 subject were given LSD.
Some of the subject were told some were not, the subject were put into
different situation to see what results would come from it , many of the
subjects had thought's they were going insane and only time will tell
for the subjects that were keep on drugs for many days. The use of many
different drugs that have never been tested on humans before were used
and the long term reactions to these drug are still there, have you ever
wondered why that old man is walking down the street talking to himself
, and the effects these drugs have when past on down through our own
blood line.
The CIA understood that by introducing this type of drug to the people
they would then pass it on to there friends .Ronald Stark a CIA agent
was jailed for the selling of marijuana, morphine and cocaine in the
sixties but was then released when the judge found out he was a
government officer. The CIA help set up laboratories in San Francisco
Bay in 1967 to "monitor" events. The men at the front of the "hippy"
generation were government connect Ken Kensey,Allen Ginsberg and Timothy
Leary .Timothy Leray project was under approval of Dr Harry Murray , who
was in charge of the personality Assessment part of the OSS during WW2
. Where as you can not blame the CIA for the large intake of drugs that
is happening around the world at this time , the facts are that they new
the effects putting out these drugs would have and did not seem to care
and were willing to let it happen, so if you think they did think ahead
, then what are our governments there for .
The English and America Government have always been very closely link
and at a time when it has been written in English paper about London
being the drug capital of Europe , there longer term plans might be
coming into place . The fact is that the consumption of drug, alcohol,
marijuana , cocaine creates a cycle of control , be it by work to buy ,
steal to by , the freedom that we all believe in "do what , I want to
do" as long as I have my little bag of stuff has been created. This then
stops the people thinking about freedom because its not the local drug
pusher who's taken our choices away it's the government putting policies
into places before we as people come round from a hazed drug control.
The connection between Corporation and drugs, that is it creates a set
of people only interested in money to buy is happening, just look at
India and has been going on for some time. We are creating a class of
people only interested in a good time , the need for the next new thing
, the want , the right for a good time and forget about tomorrow .The
test I have wrote about were conducted many years ago so now we have to
wait until the resent test are to be shown. It has been shown that only
a few drops of these type of substances can control many people.
We as a generation are the products of the generation before, so how are
we going to leave our imprint on the next .
Ian Henry