The time doesn't stop - of the need of a commitment with the education.
Marcos Loures | 04.07.2006 21:37
The only exit for the ripening and the development of a nation is the education. The largest doesn't say; it is simply the only.
The differential between the civilized countries and the other ones, far away from being economical is, fundamentally education and cultural. The differences, in this aspect, allow that nations without natural and economical resources are more developed that other much richer ones.
Countries with economical wealth without the attendance of the knowledge take to situations as the one of the Arab countries, for instance. Extremely rich, but with little expression in the world technological scenery.
On the other hand, we have countries like Cuba, poor economically, but, with knowledge levels, mainly in the medicine, parallel to much richer nations.
The emerging countries need great investments in this section so that they really can soerguerem-if and if they turn, more and more independent and, consequently, developed.
The whole investment done in formal education will have return multiplied several times in the decrease of the social expenses and in the return regarding the productivity and better use of natural resources and in the transformation of these for the good to be collective.
I remember, when child, that the public schools were the objective of most of the students, such the quality that those presented.
They remained to the private schools the students that were not approved in the contests to the public schools.
With the fall of the quality of the teaching, mainly for the incentive lack to the teachers, victims of low wages and of the few ones and badly administered resources for the education, they began to appear several private schools, with quality more and more differentiated.
The investment done in the education, goal of the current is governed, it be really executed in his/her fullness, it will be an important mark to Brazil, could be seen as a divisor of waters between the past and the future.
We cannot forget, also, the investment in the teachers and in the schools. Without those investments, in the formation and in the masters' preparation, we won't have the expected result.
The best teachers should be stimulated her stand at the public schools, giving an important step for the real democratization of the country and his/her independence.
I am educators' son, married with educator and educator's brother. I have, therefore, lived all of the problems that accompany the Brazilian education since I was born. On these four decades, I saw the decline, worsened starting from the law 5692/71 that determined a concern only quantitative with loss of quality of the teaching.
The strikes for delay and improvement of the masters' wage repeated for years, discouraging the good professionals of the area.
Brazil is great educators' cradle, like Anísio Teixeira and Paulo Freire, but, unhappily, it belongs also to several demagogues and terrible political that were used of the education only as electoral stand.
Play saying that “he/she doesn't put an end to the problem of the education and of the health, because or else they finish the electoral stands.”
In that interim, we had two experiences based at the school in integral time, unhappily abandoned.
Brizola hit the target when, with support of Darci Ribeiro you/he/she created CIEPS, abandoned in his/her main objective, starting from Leonel's second mandate in the Government from Rio de Janeiro.
The current Law of the Basic Guidelines of the Teaching, of Darci Ribeiro, is an enormous progress in the improvement of that current picture.
However, if there is not political will, he/she will get lost in the time, as so many other previous experiences.
I suggest that, be formed a commitment among all the political parties for it is made a vigorous effort so that such a north is not lost.
And that, independently of the political winds the direction doesn't get lost.
The subject of the education in Brazil, is subject of national sovereignty and of fundamental importance for the freedom and independence of our people.
I have faith that, allied the programs like PROUNI, ENTRUST, Education for all, among other, we have to have the understanding of all the Brazilians for the importance of this theme. That can be obtained starting from solid propaganda through all of the communication means, being used even of entities as ONGs, Churches, Clubs of Service and everything the more than it can be used, seeking to a true revolution in the country.
The objectives, besides the basic education, they should include the technical and academical teaching, with emphasis to the production of national technologies that they liberated us of the foreign technological might creating, more and more, a favorable territory for our liberation.
I believe that it is that the main commitment of my generation, with the ones that they are appearing, so that we can free ourselves more and more and that we have the favorable conditions to delegate to the future the true sense of FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY.
One cannot wait for more time. We already lost a lot, and the time doesn't stop...
Marcos Loures