Charity Sweet | 04.07.2006 09:33 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Indymedia | London | World
A Plea for Humanity
- Brian Haw
1969 words
My opinion: 30/05/06
Genocide: Judge Pleads Not Guilty on Behalf of Government
Dear Sir:
I still cannot quite digest what I witnessed today within the Bow Street Magistrates Courts - such flagrant abuse of a fellow country man’s rights. Why did not the solicitor object more strenuously? Perhaps she did not fully understand the games that were being played in that courtroom. They are certainly beyond the comprehension of most ordinary folk. Business as usual, I suspect - collusion. I recognized what I saw. I will explain…
It is just not a very pretty conclusion that is beginning to form in my mind. Brian politely stood up and asked the judge for his help, humbly, and was told to sit down and remain silent; that he could not speak regarding matters that others present were able to discuss to whatever length they chose - so many unanswered questions.
I know from article 1. of Brian Haw’s statement that it was legally impossible for a plea to be offered today, let alone one be chosen and laid down by the judge on behalf of the accused, until advanced disclosure of all evidence is provided to the defendant by the CPS or the police. Lunacy comes to mind. The man said he could not make a plea and the judge did it for him. Why? What was his motivation? What could be the possible ramifications of his chosen actions upon Brian Haw? I certainly hope someone is not trying to make Circuit Judge off of the back of Brian Haw. Carrot and stick comes to mind.
Furthermore, it was agreed prior to court, behind closed doors, that no plea could be entered. Wat went wong? Are even the processes of law being abused? The CPS council and Brian’s solicitor, present behind closed doors, viewed Brian Haw’s statement before entering the courtroom - they received advanced disclosure. Good for the goose is not good for the gander in the kitchens of Bow Street Magistrate‘s Courts. Just what are they cooking up? The Judge received The Statement of Brian Haw by hand, by Brian’s solicitor, in courtroom Number 1, in public view, make no mistake please.
If Brian is to be found guilty under the new SOCPA legislation, he could face up to one year in jail for his five year pursuit of peace, eviction and a hefty fine. To plead not guilty and be found guilty appears far worse that to confess ones guilt from the beginning. Wonderful childhood lessons I hope we have all learnt - all things being equal. It is curious how applications for anti-war protests, to be located at Parliament Square, are being continually rejected since the whips of Parliament determined to move Brian Haw on.
This is not the England my mother taught me about. Is this Roger Whittaker’s England? Is this your England? Do you recognize this country? I don’t, and I have lived here since 1991. Things have not been changing for the better, Tony. Everything you have touched has turned to shite; education, healthcare, Iraq and the law - shite.
Is this English justice?
A woman was arrested under the same SOCPA legislation for reading the names of the dead soldiers of this illegal war at a place of respect for them without government permission. Do we now require government permission to grieve? Just exactly what happened to the folks in Parliament Square when they held up blank placards without permission? Were they cautioned like myself, or arrested like others under which ridiculous section of what new and improved legislation attempting to erode away our civil rights? Not even a question mark folks?
Free speech is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as the right to express your opinions. Read it. Learn it. Live it. Love it. Speech is a gift from God and He intended to give it to everyone and some have had it taken away. Make no mistake yet again. Free speech is a gift that God gave me that no man in this land may wave his magic pen and write a law to deny my voice or the voice of others. We, as members of the humane race, must speak for those who have been deprived their voice, especially to incite peace on behalf of my Good Lord. I will sing out and rejoice as the Bible has taught me to do. Amen!
I am a Christian woman and Brian is my brother from another mother. We have brothers and sisters all over the world; Moslem sisters and Hindu brothers, Jewish mothers and Buddhist fathers. We are indeed a global family that does not bar any creed, race, religion or fellow human being. We are humanity. Our uniting common desire is that of peace, love and justice for all our children’s future. Education is the way forward, not ignorance. Lying is never a good idea. The truth always has a funny way of coming to light.
Tony… can we talk?
Recently, I was cautioned for singing Jesus Loves the Little Children, All things Bright and Beautiful, Always Look on the Bright Side of Life - Monty Python, the word “mercy” sang over the tune of Amazing Grace and You Are My Sunshine, outside Number 10 Downing Street on a Sunday evening. The policeman on the gate was a sweet heart. I think his mum must have sang him these songs too as he commented that he liked a certain hymn. He had a nice smile. It was all cool and copasetic -so why the charges?
Section 132 and 137 were first cited by two police officers after I demanded they tell me under which specific section I was being cautioned. They seemed to feel I had enough information in the knowledge of the Act and did not need to know under which specific section I was being cautioned; the fact that I was being cautioned under the Act alone was enough information for my small mind to handle.
Section 137 deals with the use of a megaphone. I had none and duly pointed out the lunacy of that charge. Are you starting to get the picture? This all happened in public view - I am certain that their camera’s caught the play.
I am told they are considering summonsing me to court as a serious organized criminal basically for practicing/singing hymns and a quirky English tune. (You cannot whip this woman into submission.) The very next day, I hear that Mr. Tony Blair is swearing his faith to the Roman Catholic Church when he steps down from Number 10 and desires to lead the UN? Not into the music anymore, Tony? Hypocrisy comes to mind.
What more can I say?
The British Law Society needs to be duly informed that grievous improprieties and abuse of processes occurred within the walls of the Bow Street Magistrates Courts, Room number 1 on the above noted date.
I would also assume that an immediate dismissal of said hearings would be appropriate - a mistrial. It is contemptible that Brian Haw is expected to negotiate the return of his personal confidential legal documents and personal property, such as clothes and two priceless Bibles, with the parties who, in my opinion, illegally took possession of said confidential property and should have never had touched his personal effects in the first place. For myself, that is like telling a woman who was been raped and mugged to “go sort it out” with her rapist - the safe amicable return of her handbag and virginity.
I don’t think the artist Mr. Banks is going to be very happy with the due care that was not paid to his gifted artwork valued at some £50,000 that was on the pavement for public display until 78 police officers were sent on a dawn raid of Parliament Square. Has this theft been reported and filed? Has a statement been taken from the victim of this crime? Were there any witnesses? Were these paintings evidence and exactly whose evidence were they?
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not kill.
The evidence Brian Haw displayed on the pavements of Parliament Square is that of genocide: noun deliberate extermination of a race of people.[from a Greek noun genos meaning ‘a race’ and a Latin verb caedere meaning ‘to kill’]
Uranium/plutonium tip weapons are raining down on the Iraqi women and their foreign invaders. Just as the men and women of Iraq are presently birthing Chernobyl babies due to radiation where there was no nuclear plant melt-down, the parents of Hiroshima cried out years before them.
I fear that same hell we be re-visited upon our returning troops - their sperm and eggs were not protected upon Iraqi soil. Will you believe when England begins to birth these mal-formed children from her own womb and hear the cries of the Iraqi women? Oops…You won’t see those babies on Westernized soil - we have abortion. The Iraqi women do not believe in abortion. They endure a naturally painful childbirth without modern pain relief to hold ‘what’ in their arms and show ‘who’ to their families. They believe every child is a gift from God, as is right and proper.
Due to what can only be described as barbaric sanctions and the virtual destruction of a country through perpetual warfare back to the standards of the Stone Age, the cradle of civilization tracing from the Stone Age - Iraq - the Garden of Eden, the birth place of Abraham, is being systematically finished off. (Nice going George and Tony! And you call yourselves Christians?)
The first gulf war was only the beginning. This time, the troops have been sent in to finish off the job which will be at their own peril. Did Hitler not think to kill off a breed of people? Did the English not seek to breed out the Scots, at one point in time, unless I am mistaken? Did the Bruce not commit treason against his fellow Scotsman in Mel Gibson’s ‘Brave Heart’ when he allowed the arrows to drop on his fellow Scotsman, while he plotted and colluded with Lords and Kings of other lands? (My 13 year old son explained that little interesting point.)
Is this treason I am witnessing? Does the English nation support these actions?
At the very least, an appeal on behalf of Brian Haw should have been immediately lodged. The amount of monies wasted harassing and bullying this warrior of peace is yet to be discussed in the House of Lords.
Is this English justice?
Please read the statement of Brian Haw and dare to question his written truth - a mere 730 words of your precious time. Ask yourself whether his heart speaks for the hope of peace for all nations or whether he is the heartless God Father of all serious organized criminals, as proposed under England’s daft new serious organized crime laws. Does he deserve a jail sentence for his plea? For the love of Christ, the man is proposing peace to the world and asking the bullies of this world to look at what they are doing and stop attacking and killing the children. The man is proposing love, peace and justice for all!
Some folks appear to be more interested in arresting free speech than educating terrorists into the understanding that terrorizing any race or segment of society is never a good idea.
No one likes a bully.
I am a Canadian citizen with permanent Right to Abode Status in England and in my heart, I am English. I was blessed with a fine English lady for my mother. My eldest daughter is Iraqi. Brian speaks for me and for her and my mum. God bless him and protect him and all God’s children.
Charity Sweet
Anti copyright acknowledging Brian Haw
Charity Sweet