NHS crisis in Cambridge escalates
jimjay | 30.06.2006 11:49 | Cambridge
Latest reports in CEN:
However, fear not, because Patricia Hewitt says of the cut of £27.9 million off next year's budget that "Done right, this will improve patient care" by encouraging "more hospital work in the patient's own home" (ie no hospital beds) in direct contradiction to the letter sent to all Cambridgeshire GPs that states "We cannot overemphasise the seriousness of the current situation for everybody working in our local health system".
And by the way Pat, the savings include cutting treatment at home so your words don't mean much do they?
■ Addenbrooke's Hospital - cut £15 million by treating fewer people and working more "efficiently".
■ Arthur Rank Hospice - budget slashed by £400,000 and hospice at home service ended.
■ Brookfields Hospital - wards will close and part of the site will be sold, making £1.6 million.
■ GPs - will be expected to save £5.4 million by referring fewer patients to hospital and cutting back spending on drugs.
■ Jobs - there will be a jobs freeze on PCT management and staff redundancies have not been ruled out. Indeed some NHS workers have already lost their jobs in Cambridge and Royston Hospital lost beds earlier this month.
In the mental health service Fulbourne hospital will see permanent ward closures, outreach teams merged, Hinchingbrooke Hospital will lose 200 jobs and there is to be a 're-organisation' of Cambridge day services. Cuts in mental health services have already had a detrimental impact on service users.
Horrifically, these cuts are just the start as the £27.9 million saving this year is only part of the £45.9 million total Cambridgeshire NHS has been instructed to slash.
and there's more...
04.07.2006 20:49
The consultancy firm is KPMG a mutli-national worth billions which specialises in taking money off of organisations like Hinchingbrooke Hospital. KPMG is a dodgy company which admitted to criminal charges laid against it for financial fraud last year.
jim jay