Fig and Vine Tree planter in reading court
Planter L. | 29.06.2006 23:17 | Oxford
How to assist the dominant perspective not holding sway.
The Seed Exchange (court) provides a place where we can fairly trade seeds, make offerings of seeds and invite contributions too of others. Items for sale are not permitted. Joyfully, I add there is not, and cannot be a seed fund for compensation for Ministry of De-fence fences at the Atomic Weapons Establishment Aldermaston following any previous or further, Fig and Vine planter visits.
Seed life
An apple seed is only about 1/8" long, it has the potential of developing into a tree maybe twenty feet tall, that during its lifetime could produce thousands of apples, and countless new seeds. Each tiny seeds has the potential of developing into a full blown apple tree itself. And so the process repeats itself over again.
Conditions are usually not perfect for seeds. Let's face it, the odds of any particular seed surviving and growing to maturity are remote. But if this one seed doesn't grow to maturity, it doesn't really matter, because the tree it came from has thousands of other seeds. Each one of which has the same potential to take root and grow into a full blown tree. And wow, the odds are that one or two of them will.
All plants begin life as tiny, almost insignificant living matter. Given the proper c conditions, it can produce a plant whose size is totally out of proportion to the seed that it developed from. Take the apple tree, see in my hand I'm holding apple seeds sent to me by a prisoner in the Netherlands whose name is Turi Vacarro. Turi had acted nonviolently to beat and transform two F16 fighter planes from being used to carry nuclear bombs – on 9th August 2005.
Other types of seeds
There are other types seeds that begin as an idea, a concept, a philosophy within the mind of an individual. Gandhi developed a philosophy of nonviolence in an effort to rid his home nation of british colonial oppressors. The seed he planted, this concept of nonviolence took hold and spread, until it became a force powerful enough to make one of the strongest military powers in the world (at the time), give up its rule. This selfsame seed influenced people like Martin Luther King Jr., who used it as his main tactic in his efforts to improve civil rights for all minorities. Not all people accepted his seed ideas.
Of course, not all sowers’ spread beneficial seeds. We think of Stalin, Hitler and Hirohito who sowed seeds, only trouble was reaped which became full blown trees of ethnic cleansing, hate, discord and indiscriminate violence. Those seeds took root too. AWE Aldermaston is preparing now to sow a troublesome seed crop, which will grow into mini nuclear warheads.
Making behaviors come out of our beliefs is like planting seeds and that's the type of thing that can sow the seeds of compassion, justice and hope in other people. Oh, and has anyone seen dignity? I’m beginning to see how important acting out my beliefs can be, rather than talking them out.
Even though many of the seeds we plant will not grow, some will take root, and grow to maturity. And these seeds will give a good crop, who knows its size?
Outcome - the good bits:
Ideas were indeed swopped, the magistrates were invited to join the viist planned Cycle ride with peace dignaties to Aldermaston from Reading this coming Sunday. The compensation costs were dropped, however may not be lost (in being accountable its good to intend paying in kind). There was support from within the court for nonpayment of compensation. I noticed that magistrates exchanged lovely ideas with others to get them out of difficulties.
Bits that could be changed:
The event was too short, however maybe there will be other opportunities at another time. Leaflets (there were only 4) were not readby magistrates, though they responded to comments and reflections.
What I have learned:
Administrative overload has weakness. Maybe next time its better to have visuals, however the purpose was to speed up. and keep the story of initiating transformation going in the courts. Also its lovely to appreciate the kindnesses and mercifulness of opposition in practice.
Outcome: detention in court for 3 minutes and that is it, (for now).
Peace to you all,
Hoppstubbe Mor
Planter L.