Art & Activism Caravan: Athens swings to radical samba!
Rhythms of Resistance Manchester Sambista | 13.06.2006 11:54 | Art and Activism Caravan 2006 | Education | Social Struggles | World
There was also a student march on 8th June ended up with uneccessary violence from the police with excessive tear gas and chemicals and blood!
*The list of proposed changes include:
De-registration of students after (X times 1,5) years - where X is the minimum number of years required for completion of their course(now unlimited)Limiting the number of times allowed to sit for a module to four(now unlimited)
Allowing for easier police access to university grounds, the long-term aim being the complete erasure of campus sanction
(to date, police are not allowed to enter university property unless specifically instructed to do so by the university's "asylum committee", with the latter's decision-making process being rather complex)
To end the free distribution of academic books to students
(since the Constitution states education has to be free for all, universities have to provide required readings to their students free of charge)
To end student transfers(To date, students meeting certain economic, social and/or health criteria can apply for a transfer to the academic department closest to their area of residence)
To introduce managerial positions in the universities
(To date, all administrative decisions fall under the juridistiction of academic staff)
Rhythms of Resistance Manchester Sambista
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