Brazilian government's decree allows increasing of foreign participation in the
Jorge Serrão | 07.06.2006 13:09 | Globalisation | World
By Jorge Serrão
The Bank of Brazil will be a little less of Brazil, in the Stock exchange of São Paulo, thanks to plus an controversial decision of the petist government, totaly converted to the dogmas of international economic neolibertinism - same pathology that acomete the Toucans. The president of the Republic, Inácio Luiz "Lula" da Silva, decreed, in May the 31st of 2006, the increase up to 12,5% of the foreign participation in the capital of the institution. Currently, the foreign investors only could participate with 5,6%.
Historicaly, the greater interested in the acquisition of papers of the Bank of Brazil is London City, commanded by the family of Rothschild bankers. The interest comes since the times of the Baron of Mauá, the legendary Irineu Evangelista de Sousa, founder of the bank, in the time of D. Pedro II. Mauá was taken to the bankruptcy for defending national interests in railroads, in detriment of the businesses of the Rothschild (his partner in the enterprises). The Brittish command our external debt since 1825, in management D. Pedro I.
This traditional Brittish family controls one of the biggest banks of investment of the world, that guarantees financial aid to governments, great international corporations and ONGs. Rothschild bankers who command our external debt since that Dom Pedro I declared Brazil independent of Portugal. They are the true controllers of the world. The governments make what the economic interests of them determine. The governing ones are mere dolls of a ventriloquist...
In Bank of Brazil's papers sales operation to foreigners, in the São Paulo Stock Exchange, the government of PT counts on commandind the biggest foundation of private providence of employee, in the country, the pension fund of BB, that has a patrimony of R$ 82 billion. The same week where it decreed the increase of the flotation of shares of BB to the foreigners, the Bank of Brazil decided to keep the petist Sergio Rosa, up to 2010, in the presidency of Previ.
The power of control in the pension fund is one of the cards of the government to promote the reform of the providence and of the pension funds, in the next government, gaining or losing the election, as I informed this week. The petists will have control on the billionaire portfolio of Previ, that corresponds to 60.8% of the powerful patrimony of the pension fund. Sergio Rosa is a partner of Jose Dirceu and Luiz Guishiken, the coxwains of the future's great enterprise investments in Brazil and that, when they had assumed the government Lula, they had indicated and nominated their supported in the financial directions of the pension funds of state. The performance of them in the auction of venda of the Varig is one of the mega-businesses announced in the market.
The Bank of Brazil divulged an official notice to the market with the "good notice" to the supposed foreigner investors. In the truth, the money of the investors to acquire papers of the Bank of Brazil, is the money that Brazilian speculators invest abroad. It is this way that money kept in fiscal paradises and in the great off-Shore centers returns to Brazil "washed" and legalized, with the permission of the Central Bank. Specialists esteem that about USS 500 billion in "dirty money" - about 2% of the world-wide GIP - they transit annually in the economy.
For definition, the "money laudering" is the process for which the criminal transforms resources profits into illegal activities in asset with a pparently legal origin. This practical criminal generally involves multiple transactions, used to occult the origin of the financial assets and to allow that they are used without compromising the criminals. The dissimulation is the base for all operation of laudering that involves money proceeding from an antecedent crime.
For definition, the "money laundering" is the process for which the criminal transforms resources and profits from illegal activities into asset with a pparently legal origin. This criminal practice generally involves multiple transactions, used to occult the origin of the financial assets and to allow that they are used without compromising the criminals. The dissimulation is the base for all operation of laudering that involves money proceeding from an antecedent crime.
The stock exchange offers propitious conditions to effect operations of money laudering. They allow the accomplishment of business with international characteristics. They possess high liquidity ratio. The transactions of purchase and sales can be effected in a short space of time. The operations are carried through, in its great majority, for an intermediary. Moreover, much competitiveness between the correctors exists, that finish seduced for offer of easy money of the "criminal organizations" that they need to wash money. The criminal organizations invest in enterprises that facilitate its activities to legitimize the illegal money.
Technicaly, the stock exchange aims to facilitate to the purchase and sale of papers and rights. In the stock exchange the accomplishment of operations in five modalities is possible: (1) the sight; (2) the stated period; (3) the term; (4) the future and (5) for option. While in the four first forms if they negotiate papers, in the market of options what it is negotiated it is the right on these papers. But the investors do not buy papers in a stock market directly. They buy them through the brokers societies members of that entity.
The customer emits an order of purchase or sales to his broker and he puts it in charge to execute it in the proclamation. That's why the brokers keep, in the negotiation enclosure, his operators, who are qualified by means of a qualification examination. To close an operation in the stock market, any person, bank or company has to use the services of a broker, who receives a tax from brokerage for carrying through this transaction.
Who commands the stock exchange in the world? Currently, Rothschild bankers lead the boldest operation of theinternational shareholding market, estimate in USS 20 billion, creating the first transatlantic stock exchange of history. The new financial company is the result of the fusing of the Nyse (Stock exchange of New York, in the acronym in English) with the European group Euronext, that manages the Stock markets of Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam and Lisbon, beyond derivatives in London.
According to the fusing agreement, each paper of the Nyse will be converted into a common share of the Nyse Euronext. To the shareholders of the Euronext the right to change each one of its papers for 0,980 will be offered of the Nyse Euronext and 21,32 in money. The Euronext also will pay an extraordinary distribution of 3 for paper, that had been announced previously. The executive-head of the Nyse, John Thain, will command the new group, while Jan Michiel Hessels, supervisor of the direction of the Euronext, will be a chairman.
The Rothschild has all interest in the re-election of president Lula, for the continuity of the businesses with the nióbio, one of rarest metals of the planet, essential for the industry of high technology, and of which Brazil withholds 98% of the world-wide reserves. It is not for coincidence that, in 2002, the only enterprise partner of the Institute Citizenship (an ONG of the PT) was the CBMM (Brazilian Company of Metallurgy and Mining), of Araxá (MG). The company has high invoice selling nióbio. Also for mere coincidence, in 2002, the CBMM was the biggest giver for the campaign of Lula, spending R$ 1 million. For third mere coincidence, president of the company at the time was Jose Alberto de Camargo, who today presides the Institute of the Citizenship.
Company CBMM, of the family Moreira Salles (of the Unibanco), controls the sales of the precious nióbio. Currently, the Unibanco also has narrow relations with the Toucans. The former-minister of the Economy of FHC, Pedro Malan, and the former-president of the Central Bank, also in the "age" FHC, Armínio Fraga, is part of the direction of the bank that this week came back to deny sinewys "informs" of the market of that he would be sold. But the great political project, for Brazil, of the Rothschild - that today have the petists as allies - is to place in the presidency of the Republic, in 2010, the governor of Minas Gerais, Aécio Neves.
The Toucan participated, in May the 16th, 2004, of a mega-party in the English mansion of the Rotschild, in homage to the entrepreneur Mário Garnero, of the Brasilinvest group - a business-oriented bank that leads about USS 3 billion investments around the world. Aécio Neves was one of the crowned ones to have the privilege to enter in the celebrity "Spencer House", a construction of century XVIII that belongs to the Lord Jacob Rothschild, father of young Nathanael and the dean of the more influential family of bankers of last two centuries, who uses it only in special occasions. The Lord considers Garnero "one of his four children". Aécio Neves witnessed the Lord raising crystal goblets to homage Garnero and nobody little than the former-president of U.S.A. George Bush (father of the president of the U.S.A.), in the Great Room of the superior floor of the historical mansion.
The man called the "controller of the world" operates with the politicians in the way that's better to his businesses. In Brazil, their performance comes from far away in the past. As part of the negotiations of the recognition of Brazilian independence for Portugal and England, Brazil signed a great oan agreement of £3.000.000 (three million pounds) with the Brittish, in January 12th, 1825. Duly authorized for His Imperial Majesty D. Pedro I, Constitucional Emperor and Perpetual Defender of Brazil, they had signed the agreement with the "trader in the city of London" Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the "Brazilians" Felisberto Brant Boiler, member of the Council of H. imperial M. and marshal-of-field of the National and imperial Army, the gentleman Manuel Rodrigues Gameiro Pessoa, member of the Council of the Empire of Brazil.
For the involved external interests and as Brazil until today has debts to the Brittish (our debt is perpetual), must be celebrated, with caution, when the Brazilian government commemorates that the National Treasure already fulfilled more of the half of its program of repurchase of papers of the external debt that they win up to 2010. In official notice divulged these days, the Treasure informs that up to May the 26th it had obtained to repurchase USS 11 billion and 700 million dollar, being that USS 6 billion and 600 million dollar had been of Bradies (papers of the renegotiated debt).
The saving gotten with the anticipated purchase was esteem in USS 520 million. This economy corresponds to the differential of interests between the papers of the North American Treasure and the repurchased Brazilian papers. The intention is to rescue USS 20 billion in this year. The Rothschild thanks the government Lula... In the same way as already they had been thankful to government FHC, and others that had preceded them.
Jorge Serrão