untacitus | 25.05.2006 18:50 | Analysis
(BUT.... LONGTERM "infowar effects"- ancient + modern, ARE far worse than we think)
(telegraph et al) ....
Even the briefest glance at what either of the "first hand accounts" says about Paulinus Seutonius + his battles against the druids on mona / Anglesey, Boudica, etc, is all it takes to remind you of what the "brave sir robin" sketch in the great M.P + the HOLY GRAIL was taking the piss out of - google it to check.
They were paid infowar "poets", pr hacks of the worst sort, in as much as they were paid BY some of the people they wrote about.... in this case - guess who!
The distortions in a comprehension of the world of the present that this creates - most of all amongst the professors + ex-students of certain U.S.A, english + scottish universities - even amongst the people that have to kow-tow to them or those that are influenced by them, witting or unwitting, (entire professions sometimes- barristers, the higher ranks of gov. admin.s + the city of london) DOES have a serious effect on the way we all see different possible futures.
As rapid developments in tech + "contracting out" spread this "paid infowar" effect, its a good time for all of us to recheck our basic assumptions!
Refighting/losing battles of self-poisoning empires - "ethical" or otherwise - is but a single example of the unconscious effect a bad - if expensive - schooling can have!
. . . . more examples in comments!
.... did they catch boudica?
.... they might very well say that, mightnt they .... but - they WERE PAID TO!
see also "remember the scams" + "i have to get to a library - fast" + "im portant info re pseudo gangs"
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