A call to student activists - support our lecturers
Education Not for Sale | 24.05.2006 11:35 | Education | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | South Coast
The AUT/NATFHE dispute is an issue that effects all of us in the student movement. With some universities now suspending the pay of lecturers involved in the action - and more threatening to do the same - there is a more urgent need than ever for students to support our lecturers' pay claim and organise solidarity with them.
The Activist Gathering on 27 May, organised by Education Not for Sale and other campaigning organisations and hosted by the University of Sussex Students' Union, will now include a session on organising actions to support the lecturers' dispute.
If you support your lecturers' pay claim and want to help them stand up to the bosses - and if you want to expand other activism in support of workers across UK campuses this year - please join us in Falmer on Saturday 27 May.
In solidarity,
Dan Glass (President-elect, University of Sussex Students' Union)
Sophie Priestley (Education Officer-elect, USSU)
Sofie Buckland (National Union of Students NEC-elect)
For Saturday's agenda please see
Education Not for Sale