Neo Nazi's Stalk Bristol Indymedia Collective
digital antifa | 19.05.2006 14:00
The Nazi's did manage to find another host and got the site back up and running, but decided to stalk the Indymedia site where the original story had appeared. In a message posted on the site the Uber-Nazi site owner Kevin Quinn said, "I went in the two pubs you normally hold it [the BIMC meetings] but I did not see anyone that appeared to be holding any meeting of any importance at all. I will most definitely be coming again, hopefully this time we can have a chat and discus issues that are important to Bristolonians, like the Bus campaign which I am designing leaflets for later this week."
Apart from the fact that Quinn can't spell 'Bristolonians' (Hint; it's 'Bristolians', Kev!) Quinn seems to be making the common mistake that others have made (such as the Italian Police in Genoa) over Indymedia by confusing the medium with the messenger (which is like blaming BT for nuisance phone calls). Bristol Indymedia was the medium - but the message it carried is clear; Nazi's Go Home, Bristol Does not Welcome you.
Neo-Nazi Website Shut Down by Bristol Anti-Nazis
Neo-Nazis in Kingsdown
PS. I bet the Bus campaign needs the help of some Neo-Nazi's - you can point out how the Nazi's in Germany made all the train's run on time...delivering people to the death camps as scheduled.
digital antifa