The Ethical Living Revolution Comes to Liverpool!
Eliza Anyangwe | 17.05.2006 01:30 | Culture | Ecology | Globalisation | Liverpool
The organisers hope not only to put on an entertaining event (with live entertainment from midday) but they also intend on changing the perception of all things ethical in this city that's crazy about fashion, and yet where so little of it is made sustainably.
To attract the fashionistas in particular, Post Plastic are hosting 'RE:Dress', a fashion show to showcase all that is cool and on the cutting edge of ethical design. The collections range from casual wear to more avant-garde pieces by fashion students who are exploring the possibilities in recycling.
All the clothing will be either recycled or customised, made from eco-friendly materials (e.g. organic cotton or hemp), fairly traded or made by artisans here in the UK. Tickets for this event are selling at £7.50 and are available from News from Nowhere (on Bold Street), the University of Liverpool Guild Card Shop or on the door.
Doors open at 7pm. The event will also be a showcase of local dance and musical talent.
This show is an exceptional opportunity not only to see what ethical designers have to offer that can compete in the mainstream retail market, but it's also a great opportunity to meet some of the designers face to face.
In light of the growing publicity around ethical companies such as People Tree or Edun, this is one revolution that will be televised!
Eliza Anyangwe
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