Biloxi | 14.05.2006 13:58 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation
According to insider sources Karl Rove told President Bush and White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten that he will be indicted in the CIA leak case and that he will be resigning from his position at the White House" as soon as the Special Counsel publicly announces the charges against him.
There may be more charges against Rove. Sources close to the case said that "it appeared very likely that Rove will face an obstruction charge."
This new latest indictment of Bush's "architect", Karl Rove, is a major impact on a corrupted Administration that has been mired with high profile political scandals this year. The question is the next White House official to be indicted as Special Counsel Fitzgerald had said in his press conference on Scooter Libby's indictment on October 28, 2005 that his investigation wasn't over with.
On May 12, 2006, Fitzgerald introduced a new court filing, presenting Vice President Dick Cheney's handwritten notes that show; that Cheney focused on discrediting former Ambassador Joe Wilson. Here is what his notes said word for word:
* "Have they done this sort of thing before send an ambassador to answer a question?"
* "Do we ordinarily use people out pro bono to work for us?
* "Or did his wife send him on a junket?"
We all know from Fitzgerald's court filing on Libby's indictment that "Exhibit A" is Karl Rove. Now, could there be an "Exhibit A-" which is Dick Cheney?
With Karl Rove's indictment and new evidence of Cheney's handwritten notes focused on Joe Wilson presented in a court filing yesterday, more information is coming to surface of a corrupted Administration and White House conspiracy to punish Joe Wilson.
An announcement by Fitzgerald is expected this coming week. My next article will be focused on the indictment and charges of Karl Rove and the new court filing of Cheney's handwritten notes as it relates to the discrediting of Joe Wilson.
As one White House aide put it: "There's no doubt that it will be front page news if and when (an indictment) happens. But eventually it will become old news quickly".
Front page news: YES!
Old news quickly: Don't be too sure about that!
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