rikki | 11.05.2006 13:41 | Repression
the conditions, including a maximum dimension of 3 metres in any direction, put such restrictions on his protest that they open the way to remove him later with very little notice.
police have told his solicitor brian grosz from bindman and partners, that if by 3pm today no sufficient steps have been taken to comply with the conditions "action will be taken to enforce the provision". this means brian would face prosecution for failure to comply with the conditions and face fine or imprisonment.
brian has responded that the terms and conditions as stated are unreasonable, and that he requires further time to negotiate them. he says that it is impossible to comply given that the net effect of the 10 comprehensive conditions would leave his demo as it is "hung, drawn and quartered".
unless brian takes steps to comply, for example by dismantling parts of his display, then the police will take action.
we are not yet sure whether the police will forcibly dismantle the display but it seems certain they will report him for prosecution.
supporters and media are urged to attend the square this afternoon if possible.
Jam Cam Thursday 15.59
11.05.2006 15:12
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