Start Deconstruct USA see "The Overdeveloped Nations" (Khor)
Hawaiian Patriot | 08.05.2006 09:01 | World
In what should be no surprise to anyone, the reports demonstrate the historic and continuing violation of our people’s right to self-governance and self-determination that predates the overthrow and continues to today.
Our shows this week focus not only on just how damaging those violations have been, but also on individuals who have dedicated their lives to actually getting out from under that oppression.
Ku Ching on Hawai`i island, David Ingham in San Francisco and the Gwich’in in Alaska all have one important message for each and every one of us.
A message so important, you’ll want to gather `ohana and friends around this week for Voices Of Truth – One-On-One With Hawai`i’s Future.
MONDAY, May 8th At 7:00 PM & FRIDAY, May 12th At 5:30 PM - Hawai`i Island - Na Leo, Channel 54
The Truth About Federal Recognition – A Visit With David Ingham – Part One.”
Filmed in San Francisco with David Ingham, one of the world's foremost authorities on federal recognition and what it has done to native peoples, this segment is a real eye-opener on just how damaging the Akaka bill would be for Hawai`i should it ever become law.
David shares with us how he came to be so interested in this issue as it pertains to Hawai`i and exactly why it’s bad news despite what OHA has been saying.
Given that an attempt will be made once again to pass the "Akaka Bill" this year in the US Congress, this is a show that no one should miss.
The interview, in two parts, is packed with powerful and revealing information.
This is one to tell your 'ohana and all your friends to watch - find out what OHA doesn’t want you to know about this bill.
WEDNESDAY, May 10th At 6:30 PM - Maui - Akaku, Channel 53
THURSDAY, May 11th At 8:30 PM & FRIDAY, May 12th At 8:30 AM - Kaua`i - Ho`ike, Channel 52
"A Violation Of Trust - Part One - A Voices Of Truth Special Report."
At their conference in Honolulu last August, the Council For Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA) invited several representatives of federally recognized Native American tribes and Alaska Native Corporations to promote the economic benefits of federal recognition and oil drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge.
When the Gwich'in, the native people who actually live on that land asked to participate in the discussions, the CNHA refused their request.
Not to be silenced, the Gwich'in did come to Honolulu and, with help from their many Hawai`i supporters, presented panel discussions and an Artic Film Festival at the State Capitol.
They also rented a conference room close to the CNHA convention to share the truth with all who would listen. What they revealed was stunning.
A proud and self-sufficient people, the Gwich'in refuse to allow the violation of their natural environment. They recount their life of poverty and deprivation under federal recognition and their constant battles with the US federal government and alien economic opportunists.
It has become clearly apparent that certain individuals within the CNHA have been secretly working with senators from both Alaska and Hawai`i to promote drilling in the ANWR, against the wishes of the Gwich'in, and also to force federal recognition here in Hawai`i - for personal gain.
In this emotionally charged segment, hear the truth for yourself - what the CNHA has tried to hide as Alaskan Natives describe how oil is destroying their physical and spiritual health and their traditional lives. Hear the disastrous effects of federal recognition on these special people.
SATURDAY, May 13th At 8:00 PM - O`ahu - 'Olelo, Channel 53
“Doing It All - A Visit With Clarence Ku Ching”
A Hawai`i island resident, Ku is a remarkable and multi-talented Kanaka.
Athlete, scientist, attorney, politician, activist, cultural practitioner and former OHA trustee, Ku shares with us about his activities, why he does what he does and his vision for the future of Hawai`i.
Ku is someone who really has seen it all over the years in the fight for self-determination. His insights and wisdom from all that he has given to the people of Hawai`i is remarkable.
A true inspiration, don’t miss this rare interview with Ku as he describes what’s really possible for the future of Hawai`i and her people seen through the eyes of this Kanaka Hawai`i Maoli visionary.
Voices of Truth interviews those creating a better future for Hawai`i to discover what made them go from armchair observers to active participants in the hopes of inspiring viewers to do the same.
Those not in Hawai`i wishing to view the series may do so by visiting and then clicking "NAT-Channel 53." A screen should then display allowing you to see the show via live streaming. Please refer to the `Olelo television programming notes above for segment times and titles.
All show times listed above are Hawai`i Standard Time (HST.)
`Ehu Kekahu Cardwell
The Koani Foundation
Visit www.FreeHawaii.Info
"Just Say No! To Federal Recognition"
This is also a puff for Professor Leopold Kohr whose books can sometimes be found in second hand bookshops if you would like to widen your education. If you are stupid enough to be getting into debt to pay for a devalued British University Degree, you might be wise to start by requesting his The Academic Inn from your library.
He was an occasional contributor to The University Libertarian which was a quite interesting magazine.
"Independence for Texas!"
Hawaiian Patriot