Mugged Again With the Same Smoking Gun
trish schuh | 28.04.2006 20:58 | Anti-militarism | London
Outside the UN Security Council Chamber, I spoke to John Bolton on the issue.
QUESTION: You talk quite often of the credibility of the UN and it seems-
BOLTON: -and so has Secretary Rice recently.
QUESTION: Yes, and Rice has as well. But that seems to work in your favor when they(UN) do what you want them to do. But you violated the UN Charter when you went to war against Iraq and you consistently lied to us about the reasons that we went to war. This war policy was drawn up in Herzliya, Israel in 1996 via the Project for a New American Century. What credibility do you have other than that based on having the biggest guns?
BOLTON: Can I ask what media outlet you're from? We did not violate the UN Charter in the war to overthrow Saddam Hussein and that plan was not drawn up in Herzliya for the Project for a New American Century.
I then tried to ask a followup question about US violations of UN Charter & ICJ when the US issued numerous threats to nuke Iran. This Bolton-bully refused to address the issue. And most domestic media present were full accessories to the pending crime, not challenging lies or omissions. (Or maybe they are too busy with their latest "perv-of the-week" scoop as Ted Turner calls it). One shellacked-wig reporter even scolded me for not being diplomatic. Hard to be polite over a few million nuked or DU'd...
trish schuh