Intrigue on streets / common of Southampton
Codename: XtincTv | 24.04.2006 00:33 | Anti-racism | Free Spaces | Health | South Coast
This was not about just turning it off for a hour or giving away your tv rather about LIVING away from TV; about conversing and conspiring outside the range of the box for leisure, or compassion and humanities sake. Don’t let the box perpetually be in front of your eyeballs, (hey just for a week and maybe more - it gets high quality addictive).
Pst, Psst..Huddle closer, wink wink! I assert that we need the proactive resistance of the lost art of the wink, and a cunning conspiracy ethic*.
I've even heard that one notorious spy (non other than 'XtincTv' aka 'Hoppstubbe Mor' aka 'TPeepholes') who went to earwig on the above goings on in the park, heavy in disguise (and peer over papers in the process) was near apprehended by two local police constables on the plod whilst on their loop(y) walk (this part is true). What real fun, (that couldn’t happen so easily in your home). Sadly no espionage footage can be released of this encounter with the police.
The actual words one police officer used was "you looked suspicious",
"do you normally go around like that, is that normal?". This police officers' training is thought not to have been highly advanced at this stage and an secret analyst in assessment and interview stated that it was possible that this type of unfortunate viewpoint occurred from phenomena like watching too much tv, though the cause without extensive probing could not be ascertained in these circumstances.
On being asked for ID - 'XtincTv' adamantly refused and after threat and a later reflection the said policeman said that as no offence was committed and he had the description, which would 'be put out' he should move on. (Spy's don’t just take orders from anyone). However, the police who are not too used to always applying their role appropriately had acted in a paranoid manner and failed to see that the spy donned a hat that was in fact a secret flying machine, (though later in the park one passer by thought it was a frisbee and nearly caught it on his head). See photo. This hat was actually a prototype and probably irreplaceable and that isn’t even mentioning charity shop cost status)
XtincTv also saw others spies in the park (see other photos).
Some real issues
The said spy later said in a secret coded briefing to undercover agents, that it was "about time the police were able to see reality from fiction", however 'XtinTv' was reported later to be more concerned about the way that ordinary peace loving muslims were being blamed and ostracised for the actions of a few violent extremists (bombers) who were reportedly activated anyway due to their outrage at violent British (and American) Foreign Policy on places like Afghanistan and Iraq where innocent individuals such as younger and older people were subjected to war and poverty. (Violence must NEVER be condoned - an overt message, by anyone).
XtincTv holds no grudges and there will be 'no hitting back' as he is actually nonviolent. To their credit they (the police) thought the said spy was acting suspiciously and in attempting to get the persons credentials, only met mor(sic)[e] than their match (that was code).
"Subvert all racism and Islamophobia without dynamite".
Promote the “finely-honed and subtle, yet unmistakable artful wink that can be seen from miles away, across borders and privilege lines, over ridgetops and into the cities, a wink that makes a wish when an eyelash falls” - unknown
The key is to make it all work, breathe together and spread the wink like wildfire. Because in actuality, conspiracy is the imperative when it comes to really having security and solidarity. Winning may not be the point of it all anyway.
Deep, deep under cover double agent
(Serious Note: That paranoia is a more common phenomena in society than you may think, if you are feeling at times paranoid you are not mad it is merely bias in your thinking processes, and if you feel desperate take a risk on letting someone close who loves you know, rather then deep it to yourself - there is support out there - honest).
Or see:
Codename: XtincTv
25.04.2006 21:52
Is it possible to maybe email me the pics (well mainly the sniffing flower one, im the girl with black hair from the group, by the way) or could you fix the links please. =) Sorry to be a pain, but we were really interested to see the picture in full!
Oh and great article!
Flower Girl
photos for article
27.04.2006 00:21
The flying hat - prototype spy wear, used in aerial espionage.
a secret rendovous, the flower sniffers are watched, as is the watcher
sometimes its important to glance sideways, see facts from odd angles
the maestro, sidles nearer to chilled out folk - what no tv well done
More varied spy sightings occurred tonight at local Southampton pub.
Plottings occurred to nonviolently subvert homophobic attitudes and create peace (cant say more).
Proposal that we all watch the film 'Crash' in small cells of people (nonviolent ones)
planned secret viewing at friendly safe house may be planned.
If you see a person, or persons wearing a 'silver hat', a double wink across a room is all that is required to indicate if the person is a friendly; keep your tongue in and make sure its not too sexy a wink (it may give the wrong message). Use the coded phrase: 'Intrigue is a wonderful thing'.
Please respond with your ideas for proactive conspiring?