Info_usurpa No 19
Info_usurpa | 11.04.2006 19:06 | Culture | Free Spaces | London
Wood Green Labour Club, Stirling House 3 - 4 Stuart Crescent, London, N22. Stuart Crescent is just opposite the Civic Centre on the High Road. Nearest tube station: Wood Green. Organised by the Radical History Network of North East London
Boycott Marks and Spencer! Free Palestine! – Wednesday 13th at 6pm to 8pm
Outside M&S, Oxford Street, Marble Arch end. Lively and informative demonstration against Marks and Spencer's ongoing support for the state of Israel, both financially and ideoligically. This picket has continued every week for five years in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle.
Peoples' Common – Sunday 16th at 1.30pm
Meet on the green in parliament Square for the weekly picnic against the anti-protest exclusion zone around the British parliament and to develop the idea of the Peoples' Common. Picnic includes a non-heirarchical political meeting. Bring healthy (non-corporate) food to share, games to play and good ideas.
Struggles against British Imperialism 1913-21 – Saturday 15th at 12pm
Calthorpe Arms, 252 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1. Nearest Tube station King's Cross.
Talks about:
-The Dublin Lockout of 1913 and the Easter Rising of 1916
- Votes for women - the role of the Suffragettes; the impact of the Russian
October Revolution of 1917
- The Irish independence struggle - class struggle, Labour betrayal and imperialist divide-and-rule, 1916-21
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