Theologica Evangelica
finch | 05.04.2006 04:13 | Culture | Repression | Social Struggles | World
In the twenty-first century the plagues of servility and ignorance are as pervasive as they have ever been. The analyst is faced with the disconcerting fact that the majority of people in any given society willingly surrender the responsibility of their lives to ‘another’, even unto the point of destruction and death. It would seem that for some, annihilation is preferable to taking the responsibility for their lives. Susceptibility to theological discourse with its promise of future rewards and the appeal of shared belief continues to attract regressive and contractive personality types.
This behavioural pattern is not confined to Christian sects – Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism exhibit similar behaviours in their organisations. At once the common denominator becomes evident, cowardice in the face of life’s challenges, pure unadulterated cowardice allows the manipulative few to determine the course of groups and to hopefully exercise some political influence on government.
The ‘universal follower’, timid turds who are too afraid to live their own lives but are willing to die on the orders of others have combined (across national and cultural borders) to deliver the reality of the world today. Please note the ‘wonderful’ reality they have delivered and the leaders who represent them – Bush, Bin Laden and a host of other liars, deceivers and murderers.
Those who would forego their unique sovereignty for any reason whatsoever are already dead – it matters little what force effects the final demise. Life cannot be located anywhere other than the present (now), yet millions defer to the fantasy of a non-existent future, ‘glory, paradise, heaven or transcendence’. It defies the simplest logic to entertain any notion that those who are unable to face existence today would have a glorified existence tomorrow – it’s just plain bad maths, a perfect nonsense. Yet millions believe it and would die for that lie. Look no further for the insanity that plagues the world! The question is whether or not the insane are the majority or minority. The future of life on earth depends on the majority supporting LIFE here and NOW!
The human tragedy of today is the inability of people to apprehend the immediate and immanent essence (peace, love and harmony) of their own being/existence. The prize for failing to embrace harmony is DEATH; the death we see all around us today. Religion teaches that we achieve eternal life by pursuing death and many religious leaders have unambiguously adhered to this pathological dictum. The pure pathology and illogic of religious discourse is clearly evident from even a cursory reading of the texts and is further demonstrated by the lives of the principal protagonists of religious narrative.
Religion today is a ‘snuff’ discourse, a litany of hollow lies for hollow hearts. The joys and gifts of real life are the product of creative harmony not destructive disharmony or the pursuit of death. The Creative principle has endowed everything with the means to survive in the environment in which it has developed/evolved. There are no excuses for failing to meet the challenges of life. Seek all solutions in HARMONY, for life is the result of the harmonious interplay of infinite forces and qualities. The most gratifying qualities of human life are PEACE and LOVE. To know any quality now is to know it forever. Qualities do not die, death is that state devoid of qualities, it is the state of nothing, perfect nothing achieved by the constant refutation of all the qualities of life.
Religious discourse is infatuated with death due to its many proponents clearly failing the tests of life. Faced with the morbidity of personal failure religious leaders elevated their failures and began to extol them as virtues and ‘noble pursuits’; weakness, cowardice, retiring behaviour etc were to be cultivated as the new characteristics/standards of the ‘hero’. A perfect thematic inversion of all the heroic narratives of history occurred. The new age of the coward was born with institutional religion.
Real organisational strength is comprised of those who are able to stand alone successfully, only then are they able to stand together as ONE devastating force.
It is clear that Evangelicals are attempting to influence government in the USA and other nations. Regardless of whether three or thirty five million cowards congregate, they remain cowards. The Evangelicals are Christianity’s equivalent to Wahhabism. Afraid to deal with the spontaneity of life, fundamentalists adhere to textual prescriptions and perverse interpretations, what could be more loathsome than Calvin’s ‘TULIP’ model or Wahhabist sanctions to kill fellow Muslims and adhere to archaic sharia law?
Religious fundamentalism is the violent expression of those who have failed the challenges of life.