Strike Rallies throughout Britain on 28th March - Red Tuesday!
Barry Kade | 23.03.2006 18:20 | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Birmingham | Liverpool
In Britain, the strike will be to defend workers pension rights, and will involve 1.5 million workers. It could be the largest strike here since the 1926 general strike.
See more about the strikes on 'Red Tuesday' on the indymedia article here:
Tues March 28: Pensions Strike Rallies, venues and times
March and Rally
10.30 Assemble Rubislaw Terrace Gardens
11.00 March down Union Street
11.45 Rally at Castlegate
11.30am, Castle Green
Strike rally on the piazza in Truro, Cornwall. A picket line will be set up on Tuesday morning at offices in Truro and Camborne. After the picketing there will be a rally on the piazza in Truro for all the striking workers, where information will be exchanged on future industrial action.
Strike rally at the Millennium Stadium.
Picket lines are being organised at around 200 council premises in the Cardiff area.
Rally organised by Local TUC
11.00 – 12.00 Jay Kays, English Street
11.00 Assemble Hilltown Park,
March to City Centre
12.00 Rally with guest speakers,
Rory Malone, and other TU speakers
Starts 11.30 Rally to present joint letter to the Scottish Parliament –then:
12.00 Assemble Market Street (New Street end)
12.30 March off along Waverley Bridge,
Princes St., Kings Stables Road
13.30 Rally at Ross Bandstand, Princes St Gardens
11.30 Assemble Blythswood Square
12.00 March to Glasgow Green via West Regent St, Renfield Street, Union Street, Argyle Street, Queen Street, George Square, High Street, Saltmarket, Glasgow Green
Speakers: Matt Smith, Mike Brider (TGWU), Harry Frew (UCATT) and other TUs, John Keenan (STUC)
Unison plans to hold a rally at County Hall in Hertford on the day. This will coincide with the decision on whether to close Radlett Fire Station, and another planned protest by hundreds of Fire Brigades Union members.
Falcon Sq.
Gathering and Balloon launch.
(To be confirmed)
Probably Rally Kilmarnock Cross 12.30 – 1.30
11am, Leeds City Art Gallery, Headrow
* Manchester
12 noon, Albert Square
* Newcastle
12 noon, Grey’s Monument
* Nottingham
11.30am, Forest Fields
* Plymouth
11am, Civic Centre, Royal Parade
This is just a small proportion of the rallies...details are still emerging (London, Birmingham...) If your town has a rally or march, please add them below.
Also, please visit your pickets and rallies with a camera, and post the story on Indymedia!
Barry Kade
York Rally
24.03.2006 11:14
Speakers include UNISON Regional Officer John Kinsella, Mark Russell of York RMT, and local pensioner (NPC) activist Les Marsh.
Mr Spoon
25.03.2006 08:35
Howie Paterson
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