murdock todd cote | 04.03.2006 05:34 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Repression | World
An editorial by Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)
I did something the other day after I thought about it, I said my throwing away my articles, by deleting them from my computer I am letting him win; the usurper and his right wing raticles. Rescued one of my backup disks and restored my articles and letters. Yes we are at war with the dogs whom murders three thousand forty men and women who were simply going to work at the world trade center, that act was not in the name of Allah, it was in the name of hate; misinterpitation of the scriptures; everybody does it, clerics, priest, clergy; and every faith. The thing is that they forget that these scriptures or teaching were handed down by word of mouth till the beginning of the Greek and Egyptian and Troy the mother of all civilization civilizations who developed writing education and library’s. The teaching of god developed through Bards (story tellers) so mistake can be made.
In the last five year of Mr. Bushes Presidency he has made a lot of them and now he has destabilized a country which took no aggressive action toward the United States or its Allies. He just wanted to prove he was a big man on campus (the world); leadership in the disasters in the southern coast and the coast of the Gulf of Mexico was a joke to say the least. We mise well say we have no president but a dictator who seems to thing he knows better; he started a war while his leadership in this misadventure kind of fracks in a big way. This adventure in new world order building has cost two thousand three hundred an two dead another seven thousand are maimed both physically and emotionally, as well as battle stress and insurgency which has developed in the ITO( Iraqi theater of operations)
Why have we lost two thousand three hundred and two of our finest soldiers, sailors, and airmen in a unjust cause? The reason to this writer are arrogance in being the only super power, problem is China has become a world power. Russia lost that status because we out spent them and they are still a nuclear power but a shell of what they use to be. So we elect a president that picks a fight with a nation that has been torn a sunder by eight years of war with it’s neighbor Iran and another war were they fracked off the world and suffered two months of continues bombardment by the most advanced military in the World, we used it all in 1990 all our high tech fire and awe.
The Iraqi dictator was striped of his million man army; all he had left were six republican guards division and they were not at full strength. We used one corps and the British another and we walked on them. It was repeats of the battles of 73 easting on a map in a desert far from home, and more over.
The President says we gave the Iraqi people freedom all we gave them was chaos and fear and a sectarian civil war. If I were president I would pull all allied forces from Iraq and bring them home. We failed Mr. President at being a world leader, it is one thing in my heart an soul to chase down the rapid dogs and pigs who Murdered our people on September 11, 2001, we failed at getting bin laden and we failed because we elected you a spoiled rich kid from Connecticut and Texas. If you have masters in Business I have a fracking PHD in leadership. We paid for what we lost in the towers, the pentagon and that holy field in Pennsylvania twice.
Two thousand three hundred and claiming and three thundered honored dead in New York, Washington, and that field. What is the price of freedom? To start a war for a lie, for miss-information, for made up bull frack by advisors who know nothing of war, Plato said and I quote “only the dead know the end of war” war in any form should be the last thing ever used. “We who have seen war will always hear the screams of dead in the night for we were young and we were soldiers “Joseph Galloway United Press International.
To the congress and the senate it is time to put a stop to war. “Know this that war is the some of all evils but everything I am, everything I have is at the service of my country, my home” General Thomas Jonathan Jackson commander Second corps army of Northern Virginia. Mr. President you forgotten what home is, it is our people, you sir are responsible for the death of two thousand three hundred father, brothers son’s and daughters; your name will forever be that of hate, fear and mistrust in the tears of the American People for you fail as a leader, a soldier, and as a president. You make deals with our enemy’s. If you were any sort of man you would resign and disappear like a sand storm never to hear from again your lies and bigotry. I noticed you appointed a strict anti-lgbt preacher to the committees on Aides this only proves your bigotry. Come bitter rain and wash away your name from our country’s lips forever. Never to remember the country of Iraq which even with a butcher and a dictator was stable, till you came along? Shame on you and shame on your beliefs, which are faithless, shame on you for denying the civil rights of those who are different, because they don’t share your values; or because of who they choose to love; You are a mocary of a leader, soon on November when fall come your supporters will be driven from the house and Senate and Mr. Chaney I doubt you will ever hold the office of President. The American people will only go so far when it concerns the shame of the eight years of your boss and you.
murdock todd cote