MOD letter reveals John Reid issued misleading figures on British casualties in
Friend | 24.02.2006 19:49 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | World
On the 20th January the BBC reported:-
"About 230 British troops have been injured in enemy action since the invasion of Iraq, Defence Secretary John Reid has revealed."
The response just received from the MOD confirms that this was only a partial count and that the true figure may be significantly greater. The letter contains a footnote relating to the 230 figure:-
"Before Oct 2004, we only have centrally held records for the Shaibah UK Field Hospital. The figure does not include, for example, UK casualties of hostile action who were treated either by other UK Field Hospitals (early stages of operation only - for which unit records are not held centrally) or by coalition partners, or those with more minor injuries who did not receive Field Hospital treatment. "
The letter also states that the 230 figure only includes casualties treated in theatre and that:-
"Separate records show that between February 2003 and December 2005 some 4,000 military and civilian personnel (including a few Iraqis) have been medically evacuated from theatre."
In a subsequent letter on the 23rd of February they effectively confirm that the information released by Reid in January was inaccurate by stating that:-
"Premature release [of information on casualties] could result in inaccurate information being put in the public domain."