635 Group, please respond
Plant Pot | 16.02.2006 16:58 | Anti-racism | London
There were personal numbers, email addresses and even a debate about a cancelled event as a squat.
Four days ago, an email eminating from one sent to 635 also appeared on a Nazi website and the phone number given was rung by fascists. The fascists claimed that it was from the 635 group's in box, but as 635 did not respond to the claim it was fair to assume that it had fallen into public domain by the unusually sloppy security procedures taken by many antifascists (when will they learn?)
However, last night we were left in no doubt whatsoever that the fascists have broken into the email, because they had the cheek to even post the passwords up.
This is a very serious breach and still, 635 has not given warning that some poeples' details are in the hands of Redwatch/BPP/C18.
Put aside the shame/embarrasment ladies and gents and please make a comment so those people that are now at risk or may fall victim to nazi con men can be on their guard.
Over all, a very poor showing. I assume that Mr O'Hara was no doubt some behind it so he can then sell the story through his grotty, state-run mag.
Time for us all to be secure.
Plant Pot