Protest Report - The Netherlands, by Rene
Rene | 13.02.2006 13:36
After years of preaching of multiculturalism and tolerance by the liberal elites, we are now facing the consequences of not paying attention to the growing influence of the Islam in the Netherlands. I doubt that the situation will ever return to normal. It's reached the point that we fight or we will lose our country. And fight we did.
On the second of October of 2004 over 200,000 Dutch people protested our governement in Amsterdam. They were led by the Unions and the leftwing parties. This 'wright-wing' government is reforming our welfare state because it was about to blow itself up because of policy by our former left-wing govrnements. This means the Dutch wages have to be lowered and 'pre-pension' have to be cancelled. Because this is the best way for economic growth and the only way to not leave the future generations with a big debt. And then our future generation can go to a more capitalist system in which healtcare could be liberalised completely. Even lower taxes. (cause we pay like 55% taxes)
The socialist-parties and the unions in the Netherlands organised a big protest against this policy. They want to create a big socialist-welfare state like Hitler and Stalin did. They want to rase taxes even further and kill the idea of individuality and freedom of choise. They are the enemies of freedom. The want to lock us up in a collective system. This is for us untolerable.
So the Dutch Protestwarriors decided to infiltrate the protest and strike the leftwing with some freedom loving ammo. With a small unit of 7 guys we decided to take on the leftwing army face to face and challenge them to a debate.
In an alley next to the Central trainstation in Amsterdam we arm ourselves against the enemies of freedom.
Ready for action!
When we arrived in Amsterdam, we could already feel the vibe. We were surrounded by communist-flags, flyers from the socialist party and palestinian scarfs. The hadn't axpect political opponents. We were being threatend, spit on and called things like Nazi and fascist. But still we decided to stay a debate them...
The board says: everybody on welfare!
The left board says: FNV (union), for a collective system based on force! The right board says: saving your money bothers the Socialist Partie.
Some of our posters
international socialists, the enemies of freedom.
Group photo of us. This was taken during the end of the 'airborne-walk'. We walked 25 kilometers to honour the fallen soldiers who died at the liberation of Arnhem in WWII. We were debscribed at this walk as 'The Dutch ProtestWarriors'.
We gave the following petition to the US embassy:
"We, the International Capitalists, Jonge Fortuynisten & ECTT ( Europe Counter Terrorist Team ), would like to express our unconditional support to the Bush Administration's war on terror because the invasion of Iraq removed a serious threat to peace and increased our security.
We thank the American people who did not hesitate to make sacrifices to defend a free world, and we thank the American soldiers for their courage to fight for all of us."
Unfortunately our website is down for good. But The Dutch PW still exist. Let me explain why we took a pause. Like I said before on your forum, the situation in Europe is much worse then in the US. I mean, in Europe John Kerry would belong to the wright-wing parties, that's how bad it is. The Netherlands (NL) still has serious socialist-parties. was a website on which we posted our articles, columns and PW-actions. Unfortunately we were being followed closely, because some left-wing organizations in the Netherlands spread personal information about our members, families and whereabouts over the internet. The situation became threatening. We are the only people in the Netherlands who ever held PW-like actions in NL and attacked the left on their own territory. It pissed them off so bad, that they decided to take it on our personal lives, in order to make us stop. To protect our personal lives and relatives, we decided to take the site off the air and stop with our project... For now.
There are a couple of organizations and politicians in the Netherlands who are trying to change the course of our country into a more conservative one. Of course we support them totally. But as 'normal civilians' we are in more danger, because we don't have protection from these aggressive, so called, antifascists. And as a group of people that support president Bush and the survival of Israel we are also a target for Arab/Islamic organizations in our country.
You can still check us at the HQ, where we will continue to chronicle our fight to take back our beautiful country from the enemies of freedom. It's much better to know that we're not alone.