Doctor banned from attendance at medical course
Raul | 07.02.2006 17:37
"This equipment is part of a 'battle of ideas' and you can't touch it because you're a disaffected person whose ideas are counter to the revolution since you want to leave the country," Fundón was told.
Fundón was removed from the clinic where he had worked after requesting an exit visa.
Please write respectfully to the Cuban Authorities voicing your concerns about the detainment of Adolfo Fernandez under Law 88. Express your concern that Adolfo has been arrested and sentenced to long periods of imprisonment for peacefully expressing his views.
Call for his immediate and unconditional release on the grounds that he is a prisoner of conscience detained solely for his attempts to peacefully exercise his right to freedom of association and expression.
Urge that all Cuban citizens be guaranteed their rights to freedom of association, assembly and expression, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and that the Cuban Government immediately cease to imprison, force into exile abroad or otherwise punish those who attempt to peacefully exercise such rights.
The Ministry of Justice
Roberto T. Díaz Sotolongo
Licentiate in Law
Head of State and Government
Dr Fidel Castro Ruz
Presidente de los Consejos
de Estados y de Ministros
La Habana, Cuba
Telex and Fax: via Ministry of Foreign Affairs (see below)
Salutation: Su Excelencia/Your Excellency
Dr Juan Escalona Reguera
Fiscal General de la República
Fiscalía General de la República
San Rafael 3, La Habana, Cuba
Telegrams: Fiscal General, Havana, Cuba
Telex: 511456 fisge
Fax: + 53 7 - 333164
Salutation: Sr Fiscal General / Dear Attorney General
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sr Roberto Robaina González
Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Calzada No. 360
Vedado, La Habana, Cuba
Telegrams: Ministro Relaciones Exteriores, Havana, Cuba
Telex: 511122 / 511464 / 512950
Fax: + 53 7 - 333 085 / - 335 261
Salutation: Señor Ministro / Dear Minister