2006 World Social Forums: ANOTHER WORLD IS SOCIALISM!
2006 World Social Forums: ANOTHER WORLD IS SOCIALISM! | 27.01.2006 14:47
According to the decision taken by the World Social Forum (WSF) on 25 January 2005 (in Porto Allegro), this year’s WSF is going to be organised in three different continents. If we do not take into consideration the differences caused by the continental problems, all fundamental problems of the humanity, who say “another world is possible”, are being given place in the programmes of activities that will be organised in Latin America (Caracas/Venezuela), Africa (Bamako/Mali) and Asia (Karachi/Pakistan).
Imperialism, militarism, armed conflicts and the peace movement; Neo-Liberalism; Popular Movements; Peace initiative; Armament and disarmament; Uprising; The power, politic and social liberation struggles; Imperialist strategies and peoples’ resistance; Sources and rights of living; Alternatives to the model of plunderer civilisation; The differences, identities and world outlooks within the movement; Privatisation; Labour, exploitation and reproduction of the life; Poverty; Human rights; Ethnic problems; Religion; Minorities; Woman question; The problems of democratisation; Nation; State etc.
There is no doubt that all these subjects are at close interest of workers and labourers in the world.
We are observing the level of imperialist globalisation in the level of international organisation of the capital and the production. In order to re-share the world markets and to gain the largest piece, the international monopolies, the “super monopolies” as Lenin called, are mercilessly competing with each other. And there are leaning on their “national” states, which they consider as a dockyard within this competition. The imperialist states are continuing with their occupation and threatening of other countries with invasion in order to put in practice their duties to act in accordance with the interests of the monopolist capital. The foremost imperialist countries are continuing to fight with each other in order to realize their geo-politic openings and to take under their control the world’s mineral resources and the countries and regions that are strategically important.
The enormous development of technology and the use of its achievements in the production cause the use of less labour power gradually; that is to say that, although it is at different levels in each countries, the mass unemployment has become chronicle over the world. Capitalism cannot get rid of unemployment completely, because it is the reason of the unemployment.
The deepening of inter-imperialist contradictions inevitably develops the reaction at home and the aggression in abroad. The military investments are being increased in the whole world, at first in the foremost imperialist countries, and today it is about 1 trillion dollar.
In the entire world, the neo-liberal attacks are intensifying, deepening and becoming widespread. We see the clearest form of it in the privatisation attacks. The economic and democratic rights which were gained through struggle all over the world are being taken away.
But not everything goes in the manner of the desires of ruling classes. Although it is in a state of disarray and disorganised, the world working class and labourers are resisting against the bourgeoisie. The oppressed nations and peoples are showing through their struggles that they would not bow their heads to the imperialist occupation, attacks and plunder. In this meaning, the Iraqi people, the Palestinian people are resisting for all of us.
The leadership of WSF, who say “another world is possible”, do not proclaim socialism as the another world. The WSF leadership rejects as an ideology, theory and practice the ideology, theory and organisational structures of the understanding of struggle for socialism; that is to say the Marxism-Leninism that finds its expression in Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.
Thanks to its reformist and pacifist stance on the problems, to the rules of functioning of the forum, its principles and anti-democratic practice, the WSF has prepared the ground for the creation of an alternative forum in 2004. Although the Mumbai Resistance (MR) says they are not an alternative to the WSF, taking into consideration the same subjects in the same area with different perspectives, however, is an open expression of being alternative. And this year the number of alternative forums to the WSF became two.
One of them is the “Alternative Social Forum” (Caracas/Venezuela) which will be organised in the place where the WSF is going to be organised in the American continent. The organisers of this forum say that they do not have opportunities to express themselves in the WSF: “We doubt on the WSF to implement its claim to be pluralist, open and self-management.” “We consider as necessary the social forum that could give response…to authoritarianism, imperialism, capitalism, economic globalisation, militarism and pollution.” This social forum is, however, being organised by anarchist groups and individuals.
Beside these two social forums, there will also take place an “Anti-imperialist Camp” in Venezuela’s cities of Caracas and Guasdualito. This camp, “the Bolivarian Anti-imperialist Camp” is the continuation of “Mumbai Resistance”. It is organised by the Venezuelan “leftist” groups and some anti-imperialist groups on the international arena. Although they say that they are not an alternative organisation to the WSF, it is being understood from their following words that they are an alternative forum: “We are offering an alternative in order to make possible the ‘dialog and coordination of the anti-imperialist movement’, since the charter of principles of WSF excludes the participation of ‘fighting revolutionary organisations’ (Charter: ‘neither representatives of parties nor military organisations can participate in the forum’).” They want to build the basis of an international anti-imperialist front through “Bolivarian Anti-imperialist Camp”.
The WSF has never gone further than being a podium of the “progressive middle-classes”. The aim was quite clear: To exclude revolutionary forces on one side and to return to the world of “social state” on the other. And it could only be possible to return to the world of “social state” by social democrats and reformists. Therefore the struggle could not be against imperialism but against its “reflections” such as neo-liberalism and globalisation. This struggle should have been continued by not becoming the same with the movement of the ones who are against the exploitation, repression, plunder and imperialist occupation, but excluding them. The “cursed” of the world would take part as individuals in the WSF, but they could not with their thoughts and as organised.
The WSF leaders want to create “another world” without struggling against capitalism and overthrowing it. That is to say they are expressing the return to the “social state” under the slogan of “another world is possible”. The WSF wants “another world” where exploitation and repression could be carried out in the certain framework of laws. But, from the “another world is possible”, the “cursed” of the world understand socialism as the sole alternative.
The imperialist powers, at first the American imperialism, announce as “terrorists” the oppressed nations and anti-imperialist forces fighting against imperialism, occupation and threatening, and talk on the “struggle against international terrorism”. By not taking side with the anti-imperialist forces, for example with the Iraqi resistance, the WSF indirectly supports the imperialist claims, and thus it excludes itself from the anti-imperialist struggle.
While the WSF leadership wants to continue only with discussions, the participants from Latin America, Asia; from countries depended of imperialism want to struggle in practice.
The American imperialism says “the one not with us is against us and is our enemy”. So we see this in the war against Iraq. Thus the American imperialism wants to put in silence any force that is against it; against the imperialist system under the leadership of US. The WSF represents one of the forces which are silent on this matter, and we have seen its pacifist attitude in the face of the Iraqi resistance at the first anniversary protests of the war against Iraq.
If WSF wants to overcome this perspective of itself than what it should do is to take attitude on the side of de facto anti-imperialist struggles, for example on the side of the Iraqi resistance against the American imperialism, the imperialist system in general and so the EU.
As seen in the Iraqi resistance, the anti-imperialist resistance against imperialist occupation becomes stronger, and so the attitude against imperialism as in the example of Venezuela. Under these conditions where it is necessary to take an open and clear anti-imperialist attitude, the WSF proves that it is not against the capitalism, but only against taking imperialist globalisation to the “far end”.
A certain number of masses are participating in the WSF. But it does not mobilise this force to transform the demands of millions throughout the world into a material force. Because of its pacifist leadership, this movement do not conduct an effective struggle against capitalism, imperialism, the war and occupation and the neo-liberal attacks.
Until it remains outside the organised intervention of the worldwide communist and revolutionary forces, the WSF cannot liberate itself from the haggling for leadership among various currencies that it shelters in itself; each of its components will try to be influential in the movement. Such struggle was always there since the beginning of the WSF which resembles the “rainbow” from the point of view of political diversity. Some sections of the anarchist currency started to act separately in order to organise an alternative forum when they saw their expectations are not realized.
What should be concerning the communists is the future of anti-imperialist struggle on the international scale. The international anti-imperialist struggle at the moment is in a state of disarray; its organisational level is not involving all or the foremost anti-imperialist forces of many countries even in the national borders. That is to say the organisations come together in certain dates, actions, and they organise in unison the anti-imperialist struggle only for that moment. However, the organisation of anti-imperialist struggle on national, regional and gradually on international level by the communist and revolutionary forces will introduce an alternative for the millions who pinned their hopes on the reformist and pacifist forces. Therefore, the regional anti-imperialist co-ordinations must become widespread and functional. The content of the “another world is possible” must be filled with “the only alternative is socialism”. A struggle which does not involves the fight against the neo-liberal attacks, threatening of other countries and their occupation cannot be an anti-imperialist struggle in a real sense. The anti-imperialist struggle also cannot be limited with the struggle only against the American imperialism; the struggle must involve whole imperialist forces, including the EU. Communist and revolutionary forces are face to face with a task to enlighten the workers and labourers participating in the WSF on how the anti-imperialist struggle, the revolutionary struggle should be conducted against imperialism and capitalism, on the struggle for socialism as the only alternative to capitalism, and to transform their energy into a material force.
The world working class and labourers, the oppressed nations do not need forums which try to keep their struggles within the system. Their need is a united international anti-imperialist struggle; obtaining the worldwide organisational unity of the anti-imperialist struggle.
Socialism is the only alternative against capitalism and imperialism!
2006 World Social Forums: ANOTHER WORLD IS SOCIALISM!